chapter 42 :that's a bullshit

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Third person POV

"Kang Soo Young, what's this?" Eun bi frown her eyebrows as she look at Soo Young

Soo Young look at her before look around at the class and realize that everyone putting their attention on her..

She gulp "actually I--"

"It's mean, everything that she cause to's not her fault at all" Soo Jin smirk but quickly cover it by innocent face as she turn around to look at her

Eun bi walk toward Soo Jin and glare at her as she hold her phone tightly "what are you talking about? You don't know anything about this, beside everyone in this class ..are you the one that did this? The fake news?"

Soo Jin slowly got up from her seat and tilt her head "do you have any evidence to said that I did this news?*(she rolled her eyes) Ko Eun bi, you know that she had sick..this mean,that's not her fault at all.. if she didn't had this things then ..maybe she will never did this toward you or..never been a bully before"

"That's a bullshit !!" Tae Kwang shout from his desk

Eun bi eyes were filling with tears as she grab her collar "Han Soo Jin, you don't know what I had been went thru about this things.. I know that or maybe we know that everything about this things was all Kang Soo Young faults !!!! And how dare you, change this things to an innocent incident!"

Yi An look at Eun bi and turn his hands into fist as he look down and replay all of the memories from the last year in his mind ...

"Do you want me to claim you that Ko Eun bi the kindness student in Sekang highschool make a violence toward the president daughter because of misunderstand about the news" Soo Jin raise her right eyebrow and push her hand away from her collar

Tae Kwang walk beside Eun bi before look at Soo Jin "are you Soo Young twins, your attitude seemingly same as know if I'm a director..I will make sure to put you in drama and maybe you could win the Oscar award--"

He bend down on her heights and glare at her "don't talk to my girlfriend like that, especially when you touching her's make me disgusted about it...I know what will happen toward you after a year when I look at your eyes..I think I have seeing this things before ..ahh--"

He straightened his back and clap his hands "the ending of you is pathetic just like Kang Soo Young"

Soo Jin look up at Tae Kwang before he tilt her head and smirk "you mean..the incident will happen again? Another twins replace Eun in now?"

Tae kwang open his mouth but close back, he can feel that Eun bi hold Tae kwang hand tightly..

Gi Tae laugh loudly "do you want to make the drama again...there's no other twins,are you crazy?"

"How did they make that much?" Gi Tae ask again before Min suk smack his head ..

He rub his head where Min Suk hit and glare at him ..

Yi An look at her "what are you talking about? You don't have any evidence to state that"

"Maybe I have" teacher Kim walk in and look at everyone ..

They turn to look at teacher Kim as their eyes went wide ..

Seoul Eun make an eyes contact with him and mumble "teacher Kim"


"Here, you haven't eat all day" doctor Jang give Ji Na a cup of coffee look at Ji Na who is sitting on the bench,lost in thought..

She look up and slowly grab the coffee,didn't look at him nor talk to him ..

He sigh and sat next to her "you know, if you need anything help,you can just call me or meet me..I had assume you as my sister"

"My mom is waiting for me..I must going back now" Ji Na get up and walk inside to hospital funeral home (author: I don't know, you can search it at Google)

Doctor Jang get up and held her forearm before she could go "I heard about everything you said to your mom, is it true? Everything that you had did it, do you regret about it? I hope that you know, you still have the chance to change the things before we move to Busan"

She slowly turn around and stare at him, before she nod her head and walk away..

He sigh and grab his phone from his pocket that start to ringing, he swipe the screen with his thumb and answer the call "Yeobosaeyo.."

"It's me, have you talk to her?" ???

He look around and saw no one is paying attention on him, he answer it calmly "I had talk to her just now"

"Alright, if she didn't admit what she did... Then, the consequences will comes to you.." ???

He bit his lips "give me one more day, tomorrow.. I will settle it down by tomorrow"

He didn't heard anything before he know, it had end the call..

"Aishh..I hate that guy,if he didn't contact me. I won't even know that a high ranking person did this dirt thing, I won't vote you even the country in a war!"he ran his hand thru his hair as he let out a frustrated sigh


Han Jae wool who is Han Soo Jin father and one of the Korea parties ministers..sitting on his desk chair with a smirk on his face

He heard someone knocking his door, "come in"

A guy that wearing a black suit walk inside and said "I had push him out of his limits, he said that he will done it by tomorrow"

"That's a good news, my daughter is safe now. Anything else, Mr Choi" he ask as he rest his arms on his desk while intertwine his hands

Mr Choi nod his head "the news that you had announced just now had been the hot issue in Korea. Majority of the comments from reviews is positive"

Mr Han nod his head and straighten his back "another good news .. how's my daughter going"

"Actually, I had watched her entire day yesterday.. and unfortunately that twins girl had slapped your daughter.. I didn't get the chance to record the video for you because I was too shock that time..I had search the footage from the CCTV but it had cut off and I didn't know where did it go"Mr Choi said

Mr Han slam his hand on his desk "how dare she slapped my daughter ..I, myself didn't laid my hand on my daughter..tell me about the information that I had asked you two days ago"

He put a file that his holding on the desk in front of Mr Han "What I had known is the other two twins had a conflict between each other last year. I had found out that lee Eun bi had exchange her name into Ko Eun bi ..she's the one that had been bullied by Kang Soo Young who is Kang II-San daughter ..but I must tell you that the other twins who's name is Ko Eun byul is the one that save her twins last year from Kang Soo Young"

Han Jae Wool nod his head and look at the three pictures from the file and look back at Mr Choi "why did you gave me this?"

Mr Choi leans closer and point at the pictures "there's a difference between the triple twins..Ko Eun byul is the one that had a scar on her neck..Lee Eun bi who had a straight hair and Joo Seoul Eun who had a birth mark beside her neck"

"Interesting, update me about them tomorrow.. let see Joo Seoul Eun,how far will you go"the president smirk


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"Help me choose the scene" by author


"Choose two characters" by author

1. Seoul Eun
2. Yi An
3. Eun bi
4. Tae Kwang

I'll wait for your comment ;)

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