chapter 7 :Mr pine and Donald duck

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Seoul Eun POV

We're sitting at the corner of the Cafe ..while I am helping him save his chicken wings

before we went to the cafe ,we went to the pharmacy and bought some medical supplies ..

before we went to the cafe ,we went to the pharmacy and bought some medical supplies

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I slowly use bandage to wrap his arm after I had clean up his wound ..and put some cream on it (authornim don't know about this ..don't ask )

I look up at him and see him staring at me ..I fake cough

"Am I really that pretty that you staring at me" I raise my eyebrow

He snort "I'm not staring at your ugliness beast face ..I'm staring at the leaf that on your shoulder "

I make chh sound and turn to look at my shoulder ..I use my hand to take the leaf but the guy slap my hand

"yah !! Don't you know it's hurt Mr ..why did you slap my hand away " I look at him with annoying while rubbing my right hand where he slap

I lift my hand to take away the leaf but he slap again my hand

"I will help you ..your hand is dirty and stained by blood that you had clean my arm just it may stain on your coat" He glare at me

He slowly lift his hand and take the leaf away from my shoulder ..and he leans closer beside my ear

I stutter and froze "wh--what are you doing ..idiot"

He smirk and said with hush tone "you know if we staring on the movie of beauty and the beast ..I will be the beauty while you the ugliest beast"

I blinks my eyes before I push him ..he sat at his tools back and look at me with smug face
"Am I right Missy"

I fake cough at him "yeah ,at least I'm a pretty tree than you Mr pine tree "

He furrowed his eyebrows "what did you said miss ugliest beast with stupid tree brain"

I sigh "please I'm tired of this fight ..let's finish all of this ..if we not argue than the process will be fast ..last but not least I will be apart from you quick Mr "

He nod "Geurae(alright) ,I'm sick if I stay with you for a long time fix my face into flawless back "

I rolled my eyes "whatever Mr "

I take his face in my hands and leans closer to look at his wounds and scratch ..

I quickly turn to take some supplies and start to clean the wound on his face and some scratch before I apply the oilmen ..

Third Person POV

While Seoul Eun put some oilmen on Yi An face ..she didn't know that her face is very closer with him

Yi An stare at Seoul Eun eyes without knowing ..

Yi An notice that she had mask on her face ..he want to know who she was ..the girl that always sascarm on him

He know that this girl is one in a million .. she's very attractive girl yet annoying girl

This make him remember his first love ,Ko Eun byul ..she's attractive yet sascarm girl ..this make him sad to think the past incident

He sigh and pull Seoul Eun hand away from his face..

"What are you doing ..anyways before you pull it away mr pine I had done everything on your face just need something magic from me" Seoul Eun smile widely

She take her bag and look inside her bag ...searching something

She didn't realize that Yi An had wipe his tears from his face

She take it out from her bag and put it on the table back and turn to look at him "tada ..this will make you look pretty "

She put the baymax band aid on Yi An conner forehead

She put the baymax band aid on Yi An conner forehead

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She chuckle "you know ..sometimes I wonder are you a man or a kid"

She turn to clean all the supplies on the table ..she notice that Yi An didn't said anything from her statement

She turn to look at him ..she frown ,Yi An is staring at the wall behind her lost in thought

She know the eyes that Yi An have .. ,the eyes that full of sadness

"Yah, what are you thinking that until you're staring at the wall .."Seoul Eun tilt her head

Yi An snap back from his thought and look at her

Seoul Eun chuckle "are you talking to a wall and asking for a date"

Yi An glare at her "at least I have a date with a wall than you with a duck..don't you know you just the same as a Donald duck"

Seoul Eun bit her lips "YAH !"

She flick Yi An forehead..while Yi An laughing hardly

Seoul Eun crossed her arm on her chest and pout "I'm not like a duck"

"Yes you are ..look at you pouty like a duck" Yi An said and chuckle

Even she had her mask on Yi An can see that her mask make a movement into front..

Seoul Eun smile while Yi an smile back at her

"Friend ?" Yi An raise his hand and smile at her

Seoul Eun look at him and smile widely "best friend "

She shake his hand ..and they burst laughing again

Yi an look at her "I'm Han Yi An a swimmer and a high school student from Sekang highschool"

Seoul Eun look at him and nod "I'm Joo Seoul Eun a pretty girl and the most pretty girl in universe ..heaven and hell "

They introduce themselves and shake their hands while smile at each other

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