chapter 34 : jealousy stage 2

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Say yes by loco and punch
Best with song

Third person POV

"Han Yi An ..whatever it is that made you as your beautiful friend will always be by your side ..alright" Seoul Eun smile widely

Yi An sigh and ruffle Seoul Eun hair "But I'm the prettiest here,alright "

Seoul Eun rolled her eyes "yeah..yeah whatever ..Mr polite"

Seoul Eun put the container on the bag and start to walk away..

Yi An walk beside her "Eun byul ,do you remember when I ask you back then about had you been fell in love ?"

Seoul Eun nod slowly "yeah,why?"

Yi An sigh loudly made Seoul Eun jump little ..she smack Yi An forearm

"Yah, Han Yi An ..why did you sigh so loud made me get a heart attack .."Seoul Eun put her palm on her chest and shook her head

Yi An stop his track "what is her relationship with him !!"

Seoul Eun put her hands over her ears and turn to look at Yi An "yah!! Why did you shout so loud"

Yi An cutely stomping his legs a few time and pout, cross his arms on his chest "she never feed me like that wae,wae,wae(why why,why)!!!!!!!!"

Seoul Eun look at him annoyed "what are you talking about..who feed who"

"Aishhh..I should be there early in the morning and wait her entire day if I know she will feed someone else"Yi An sigh loudly and rub his face

Seoul Eun frown "are you Han Yi An or the ghost that incarnate as him "

Yi An look at Seoul Eun and flick her head "it's me you idiot , it's me could you think this beautiful face entire universe will be a ghost"

Seoul Eun rub her forehead "don't flick me it's hurt you know that..and I'm just state the truth because your jealousy attitude didn't suit you "

Yi An bit his lips and point at her with index finger "I'm not jealous..I said I'm ..not .. jealous"

Seoul Eun rolled her eyes "then why did you mad at someone who feed someone else"

Yi An scoff "I'm not,alright ..if you said this to anyone else you will be dead "

Yi An use his index finger on his neck and slowly drag it to side ,narrow his eyes at Seoul Eun

Seoul Eun scoff "I'm not going to talk about it alright ..but let me know who is she that you--"

Yi An narrowed his eyes ,She gulp her saliva and raise her hands

Seoul Eun sigh and put her hands down "so will you tell me?"

Yi An shove his hands inside his jacket pockets "a girl "

"Of course I know it's girl ..if it's boy I wouldn't surprise if it's Tae Kwang but I won't let you take him away from Eun bi"Seoul Eun shrug her shoulders

Yi An frown "I'm not a gay..and who told you that I love that shit head just ..urhh I won't tell you"

Yi An start to ran to his house

Seoul Eun frown and turn to look at Yi An who was running "Yah ..Han Yi An ..I'm not done with you ..YAHHH!!"

Meanwhile, Tae Kwang room

"Aishh,I miss Eun bi .." Tae kwang sigh and drink the tea that Eun bi had made before she leaves

Out of the blue ,Tae Kwang sneeze loudly and the cup of tea that he hold spilled it everywhere at the floor ..

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now