chapter 17 : jealousy stage 1

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Seoul Eun POV

I slowly wake up from my dream ..I look around ..we still in the bus and it's still raining

Some of the students sleeping and some of them doing their things or chit chat

I sigh and look down ..a coat wrap around me ..

suddenly I feel my shoulder a bit heavy and an arm wrap around me and snuggle beside me..

I blinks my eyes and turn around and saw Han Yi An

Our face inch close ..he look really cute and handsome but I will not admit to him even I'm die ..

He must give me this coat..I look in front at me and saw my sister ,Eun bi snuggle with Tae Kwang ..

I giggle quietly "such a cute couple"

"Who, we?" Yi An slowly open his eyes and yawn

I look at him disbelief "excuse me , you're not my type ..and the fact that we are couple will never exist in my dictionary "

I shake my head

Yi An look at me "miss Ko ,this is the first time I agree about your opinion in my perspective "

I give him his coat "your coat ,take it back"

He shook his head "you take it's really cold ..I saw you shivering when you asleep .."

I wiggle my eyebrows "ohhhhh..Han Yi An do you fell in love with me .."

He fake cough badly in front on my face , I quickly shove his face away

He cough "I gave it to you so that you can wash it know it's dirty after you wore"

I roll my eyes "whatever Mr .."

I take the coat and wrap around 'us' you heard that us ..

Yi An frown "why do I have too"

I give him a blank face and adjust the coat while sit closer with him "you will froze till death ..beside it's your's big enough for us..aren't you cold Mr Han Yi An ..I saw your hand was shaking"

Yi An nod slowly while I leans against his side

"May I know what you had dream about ?" Yi An turn to me

"Why you want to be dream keeper after being grim reaper " I look up at him

Yi An look at me annoying "I saw your tears when you asleep"

"It's nothing ..just a bad dream " I look in front

'Jung Hae In'

"you will not die ..never in my watch"

The name and the voice's made me sad and always made me cry..

Is this just a dream..why did I feel it's real

I quickly turn to window side and wipe my tears away ..

I slowly turn to look at Yi An ,he was fell asleep

I slowly cup his side face and slowly leans it against my shoulder ..

'Jung Hae In who are you'

For you by BTOB

Third person POV

"Today we have an outdoor activities but we had to delay it until tomorrow because of we will make indoor activities" teacher kim look at his student

We're all in basketball court ..some girls didn't listen and look at their phone or chit chat with their friends ..while boys.. playing around

Out of the blue teacher blew the whistle
"Alright we want you to pair up with each other ..that's mean 2 person in one team.."

Everyone nod and quickly pair up ..Seoul Eun went to Eun bi and ask her to be her partner

Eun bi frown"mianhaeyo(I'm sorry) Eun byul-ahh ..I'm pair up with Tae kwang"

Seoul Eun smile "gwaenchanayo (it's okay)"

Seoul Eun turn around to ask the others but saw everyone had their partner beside..

Min suk ,who is one of Kwon Gi Tae Friends

Song Joo and Shi Jin want to partner with each other but separated with each other after they went in the basketball court

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Song Joo and Shi Jin want to partner with each other but separated with each other after they went in the basketball court

Shi Jin pair up with min Jun the class president

Song Joo pair up with one of Gi Tae Friends , Yoon jae

Yi An was not paying attention so he didn't know anything until he pair up

While So Young no one wants to pair up with her because of her past

So they have to pair up by force

Seoul Eun went to beside Min suk while he smile awkwardly

"Eun byul-ahh ..if we not win ..I mean I don't said that you're weak ..I'm just said that if we not win ..I hope you will not hit me with your beautiful fist on my face" he scratch his neck

Seoul Eun smile at him "geok-jeong-ha-ji mal-go geung-jeong-jeo-geu-ro saeng-ga-geul hae bwa-yo (don't worry and try to think positively)"

Seoul Eun playfully ruffle his head ..while he relax a bit and nod cutely

Seoul Eun giggle "aigoo neo-mu gwi-yeo-weo-yo (you're so cute)"

Min suk blushing when Seoul Eun comment

Yi An look at the scene with envy face..he feels very jealous and angry but shrug it off

He heard teacher blew the whistle and pay attention this time "alright .. everyone have pair up right ,now we will play the dodgeball game ..we will give it a bit challenging so I had bought some rope will have to tie it each other legs one of you will tie the left leg and one of you tie it on right leg okay? instruction is don't push each other and don't throw too hard alright .."

This is the first time Yi An regret that he didn't pay attention to the teacher ..

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school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now