chapter 55: Seoul Eun death

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Third POV

Eun bi wipe her tears that slowly fall on her cheeks "where are you.."

"She will come back Eun bi, I trust she will.." Eun Byul nod her head variously while trying to comfort herself that Joo Seoul Eun will be back

Their conversation was cut off by the ringing house phone. Miss Song quickly rush toward the table and answer the call "yeobosaeyo?"

Phone call:

Detective: we had found your daughter--

Miss Song: really? Can we meet her now? Where is she? Did she okay--

Miss Song was too excited and cut off the detective word until..

Detective: --dead body, we're sorry but when we found her.. she was burn to death, I hope you would come and do a proper funeral for her

She tried her best to hold her tears and swallow her saliva

Miss Song: May--maybe it's not her, are you trying to do prank on me?

Detective: We are really sorry..

Miss Song hitch her breath

That's when the reality hit her and a pang on her heart

The detective end the call as Miss Song said in disbelief voice "it's.. impossible"

She fall down on the floor as she put her palms on her mouth to prevent her from crying out loud and let her tears fall "my daughter.. my daughter, Joo Seoul Eun.."

The twins slowly walk toward their mother and crotch down while comforting miss Song "did something happen? Why with Seoul Eun?" Eun bi asked in worried way

Miss Song put her hands down and rest on her laps as she look at them both with sadness while her tears fall "Seo--Seoul Eun, she's..(Miss Song bite her lips and think if she should tell them or not) I mean shes back and we.. we will meet her soon, "

"Aren't you should happy, why are you cr--" Eun byul words cut off by Miss Song "I wanna have a rest"

Miss Song slowly wake up as the twins hold her arm and help her "you both don't need to help me, (she take a deep breath) don't disturb me for awhile"

She looked at them and give them a fake smile as she walk away to her room slowly

Eun bi frown her eyebrows "she haven't tell us what news, but why eomma reaction is more than what she said?"

"There must be something that she wouldn't tell" Eun Byul look toward Miss Song room door

Eun bi sigh and recovered by smiled widely "At least we can meet Seoul Eun! I'm Sooooo exciteddddd to meet her and punch her! I have many things to tell her and ask her, where she go!"

Eun Byul smiled sadly at her sister and mumble "hope she's (Seoul Eun) amnesia if the fate give me a chance again"

Time skip

Yi An look at the rain that slowly fall through the car window as he lost in thought..

Seoul Eun gritted her teeth and shrug Yi An arm away "mwo ..mwo (what..what)..tell me what was it ..everything I remember is you insulted me and tease me"

Yi An tilt his head and shake his head while smiling at her with teasing way "it's a best memory ever aren't you think..I had thinking for two days about your Nickname ..I can't find everything suit you beside one when I heard someone shout"

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