chapter 54: is this going to be ending for Seoul Eun?

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Eun bi POV

I stare at the mirror in front of me "Be strong Eun bi-ah, you still have someone that support you.. your eomma, Eun Byul eonnie, Seoul Eun and.. your baby"

I put my hand on my tummy and run it. The tears slowly fall on my cheeks as I wiped it, I know I shouldn't trust what Soo Young had told me at the hospital

Maybe she lied to me to destroy my relationship, but.. I can't help to think that its true

I close my eyes as I remembered everything that she told me..

" This.. is.. Tae Kwang baby, he didn't tell you that I had be with him night?"

"Eun bi-ahhh, are you fall asleep inside the rest room?" Tae Kwang shout from outside

I open my eyes and bite my lower lips "It's okay Eun bi, take a deep breath and smile"

I walk out from the rest room and saw Tae Kwang leans against the wall while waiting for me in impatiently

"Why did you take so long inside there? Did your tummy hurt? Do you want to back home and take a rest?" Tae Kwang come to me and wrap his arm on my waist

I pull Tae Kwang hand away slowly from my waist and smile weakly "I'm okay, I just need a rest time for awhile since this pregnancy make me tired a lot"

He turn toward me and tilt his head as he think "do you want to take a week holiday from school? You can stay at home if you want and I will tell to my dad about it!"

I shook my head and look at him "you don't need to do that.. I had think about this in awhile since.."

I'm sorry, Gong Tae Kwang. I can't let our children suffer without a father but I can't bare with it.

Each day with you always made me remember about the day that crash my heart to pieces, I hope this decision can make me ..and you forget about everything that we had made till now

"Are you okay? you seems lost in thought, what are you thinking Eun bi-ah? If you mean about that incident.. I pinky swear I had nothing with Han Soo Jin!"

I'm sorry Gong Tae Kwang

"I knew, I hope you forgive me if I did a wrong decision.." I bite my lips as I look down

He frown his eyebrows and stare at my face "what do you mean?"

"I'm sorry but.. I want you to give me times to settle down something's" I look up at him

He chuckle "what do you mean by that? If you have problem, you can talk to me. I know this pregnancy is hard for you to accept with having a guy like me, but I still will try my best to be a good father to our baby. WE CAN DO THIS!!"

He smiled as he slowly raised his hand and tried to put on my tummy but I walk one step back

"Yo--you don't understand, I know this might be hard for you to accept and it's hard for me too. I'm trying to be positive and tried to not break down from it but.. it's useless, the more the time pass, the more I realized it's hard to be fine with all of this.. I'm sorry I can't help but loosing trust from you" my tears slowly fall

He frown his eyebrows "I.. don't understand what you mean"

I let my lips turn to a thin and take a deep breath "Let's break up"

"Br--break up? Not our relationship is good, if you think that my father can't accept this baby and want to abortion. Don't worry, he's not that cruel. I will try my best to rai--" Tae Kwang look at me in shaky eyes

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now