chapter 23 :human pollution

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Seoul Eun POV

I lay back down on my bed while look up at the ceiling and lost in thought


"Yah ! Ko Eun byul if you don't stop walking I will shout that you're a Poop" Yi An chase me

I stop my track "na-han-te-mwol-won-hae (what do you want from me)"

He panting beside me while I turn my face from him "palli(quick) ,I'm a busy person ...I had to stare at the wall before the class bell rang"

He straightened himself and sigh "why did you went out from the cafeteria haven't eaten yet today"

I look at him and cross my arms on my chest "excuse me Mr polite ..I hate to eat at the bad environment ..and when I'm eat ..I need a clean place ..just now when I'm ate..beside me had a human pollution"

He chuckle "did you think I'm a mirror? I think it's you're the human pollution"

I rolled my eyes "Mr polite said that you will be polite and gentleman to girls .."

"Yes I am" he nod his head

I bit my lips "and you threat me like a trash"

He shook his head "yes I am,because I never told you is you ..beside you're a boy"

I take a deep breath "HAN YI AN!!!"

I pout "why did he treat me like a trash ..I'm just going to compliment him a gentleman guy and now his not gentleman but a trash poop guy "

I sigh and close my eyes ..and went to Dreamland


"Did you just pout "Hae in look at me and smile

I shake my head and pout more "I'm not"

He chuckle "yes you are,look at you .. you're so cute.."

He pinch my cheek but I push his hand away "Jung Hae In I'm not a baby .."

I whine and Hae In pull me into his arms "you're my baby"

I look up at him "then if I'm a baby .. you're a babysitter "

"Of course ..only you I'm going to babysit "he smile

I giggle "am I going to be your baby for the rest of my life"

Hae in shook his head "no should not be your life should be our life ..I'm going to take care of you ..I will not let you do anything ..because you're my queen .."

"Then,if I'm your queen will be my king "I smile and hug him

He smile and kiss my forehead "I love you"

I smile "I love you too"

I open my eyes and quickly get up in sitting position ..

I look around and sigh "it's a dream.."

I close my eyes while rub my face ..I look down at my hands ..realize that I had cried

My eyes fills with tears ..I sob "why did it's hurt.."

my right hand turn to fist and lightly hit my chest .."why did you in my dream ..why am I hurt..who are you Jung Hae In"

I close my eyes tightly and whimpering "why..why ..why am I hurt ..why did I feel hurt "

"Who are you ...Jung Hae In "I cried loudly

Third person POV

Eun byul had just came home from seen Hae In..

When she close to her room ..she heard someone cried loudly ..

She didn't want to bark in ..she slowly open the door ..and saw Seoul Eun on the bed cried

She step in but stop when Seoul Eun said ..
"Who are you .... Jung Hae In"

Eun byul eyes widen and her eyes fills to the brim with tears..

She put her hand over her mouth .. "did Seoul Eun remember about Hae In "

She slowly close the door and start to walk but she's stop her track after two steps ..

She leans against her back on the wall beside her and slowly slide down ..

Put her another hand over her mouth and sob quietly ..

She close her eyes and take a deep breath and hitch "I fall for Hae In ..I can't let him know ,Seoul Eun ..she can't know about him..*(she rub her face) what should I do ..why is it difficult .."

She open her eyes slowly and wipe her tears "I had gone through this far ..if Hae In know I'm not Seoul Eun ..he will never love me ..and at the same time I protect Seoul Eun's win-win right?..I'm not a bad sister ..I'm not stealing her boy ..I only have to made her fall for Yi An ..that's all "

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