chapter 48 : the secret is going to reveal?

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Third person POV

"Joo Seoul Eun!!" Soo Jin shout as she walk to where they were with a smirk

Yi An and Seoul Eun quickly look away and avoid each other eyes

"Joo Seoul Eun, you're unbelievable.." Soo Jin said as she look at her with disgust face

Seoul Eun turn to look at Soo Jin "what're you doing here"

She smirk "what do you think?"

Yi An frown his eyebrows and pull Seoul Eun away from Soo Jin and stood in front of her "what do you want from us and how did you know about Seoul Eun"

Soo Jin fake smile at him and look at Seoul Eun "should I tell him, about it..Joo Seoul Eun"

"You--" Seoul Eun bit her lower lips and turn her hands into fist

Yi An sigh in disbelief "Han Soo Jin, answer my questions, I don't want to hear any bullshit"

Soo Jin smile widely at him "ummm..there is something that I need to tell's really important and it's a perfect timing to tell you about it .."

She look at Seoul Eun and raised an eyebrow "before that, can you please tell him how did we know each other Joo Seoul Eun?"

"I.." Seoul Eun open her mouth to talk but close back as she glance at Yi An then back at Soo Jin "I..I mean we me--"

"Seoul Eun-ahh!!" Hae In smile at her and waving his hand ..

He walk toward her as he eyes traveling to Yi An then at Soo Jin..

His eyes turn darker while his smile slowly fading "Han Soo Jin?"

Soo Jin look at Hae In in disbelief but cover it with smirk "ohh..Jung Hae In, we met want to save your girlfriend from being pathetic again?"

Yi An look at Hae in then back at Soo Jin and clench his jaw "what do you mean by girlfriend? And she's not a pathetic girl!"

Soo Jin frown and pout "Seoul Eun-ahh, you haven't told him that you have a boyfriend have lost your memory?"

Hae In turn his hands into fist "Soo jin, you still never change aren't're the one that pathetic"

"I think so too" ??

They turn to look and saw Eun byul smirking at Soo Jin ..

Seoul Eun eyes went wide as she mumble "eonnie"

Yi An frown as he hold Seoul Eun hand tightly..

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Girls, I know it's too short..cause I can't paid any attention and I'm really 'busy'

If you had saw my post last week about a guy ex crush..I had forgotten about him and block him..and thanks for the suggestion ..I'm really appreciate it

By the way guys..if you want this book to continue please.. I mean please comment it, so that I'll know that someone had read my book ..

Or I'll just discontinue least I need 3 readers to volunteer themselves to comments..thank you

Love you guys ♥️

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