chapter 6 :Mr Christmas tree & Mask girl

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Seoul Eun POV

I take a deep breath,stand in front of the store while look around my surroundings and smile

I put on my black mask and turn around to close the store door while use the key that eomma gave me and lock the door

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I put on my black mask and turn around to close the store door while use the key that eomma gave me and lock the door..

I had ask eomma before we open the store that I want to take a walk and she said yes so I close the store for 30 minutes or more than that ..*(giggles) and stroll around this area

I walk beside the road and look around curiously 'how could I don't remember anything about this place'

I sigh and look at the sky ,I mumble "I hope my feelings will be as bright as the sky"

I look back down and start to walk

I stop my track, smile and wave at the little kids that stands beside their parents ..they wave back at me and smile

I pout cutely "I hope that I will remember anything when I'm with eomma and eonnie when we had a happy moments"

Return by Wendy and yook ji dam
(It's best if you read with the music)

I start to walk but stop my track again,my eyes went wide when I saw a little boy is running toward the road

It is one of the boy that I had waved just now

I look at the road and saw a truck in a few meters away..the driverr didn't notice about the little boy ..

I bite my lips and quickly ran to the road as fast as I can

Third POV

The little boy ran into middle of the road ..he crotch down and take the ball in his arm ..he get up and slowly turn around to saw a truck that drive in his way..he froze from his place

Everyone shout from fear ..when they saw the scene

"MOON JIN !! no my son NOOOO" his parents shout as they cried

Seoul Eun quickly ran to the boy ..and wrap her arm around the little boy tightly

' I haven't get marry and the fish that I don't have a boyfriend ..and I'm going to die before that so fun' Seoul Eun sigh at her thoughts

She close her eyes tightly and wait for the impact..




Suddenly she feel an arms wrap around her frame and push them to another side of road..

They were rolling on the road ..Seoul Eun hold the little boy tightly that he will not hurt

While an arms wrap around her tightly ..when they stop rolling ..they can hear some footsteps went to their way ..

Stop the song

Seoul Eun quickly release the boy from her arm ..

The little boy quickly get up and ran to his parents ..

Seoul Eun sigh and groan ..she slowly use her hands to support her sit up..

She then heard a groan beside her ..she turn around and saw a guy with his headphone on his neck

He slowly use his hand to support him sit while hiss..Seoul Eun look at her arm that bleeding..

Thank God that she wear her mask on ,and her face didn't have any scratch ..

She turn around and saw the guy arm is more worse than her ..he had a scratch and little bruise on his face ..

Remember by byul song

"Are you stupid ," the guy slowly get up from his place and look down at her while groan

Seoul Eun blinks her eyes three times and get up "what ?"

The guy glare at her "are you deaf ? I said are you stupid .. standing like a tree and did nothing"

Seoul Eun bite her lower lips "hey Mr I did my best must be glad that I'm brave to save a kid ..and please don't talk like you aren't stupid too"

The guy sigh in frustration "hey Mrs tree ,aren't you seeing what you had cost to me ..if you don't stand there like a stupid tree then I won't save you and I won't have this things *(he use his index finger pointing at his face) on my face"

Seoul Eun furrowed her eyebrows at him "did you just call me a tree "

The guy smile sascarm "yes I am and do you think I'm a Christmas tree so that you can put this decorations on my face*(he point at his scratch and bruise that on his face)..and for your information it's still summer"

"Are you serio---" Seoul Eun was cut off by a car honk

They just realized that they still on the road ..they quickly bow to the owner of the car in front of them

Seoul Eun quickly get her purse on the ground while the guy take his bag that on the ground and sling on his shoulder

They quickly walk to the side street ,Seoul Eun start to walk but the guy held her wrist and turn her around to facing him ..

"What do you want !!"Seoul Eun said with annoying

"Don't you see this Miss Tree had put decorations on my face have to pay back face is handsome yet pretty also delicate and now it's turn to a Christmas tree that you decorate see this *(he point at his scratch )"the guy glare at her

The guy hiss "If I don't get marry that's your fault ..I will find you even your dead I will go to your grave ..I will not let a scratch on my face even a pimple had to pay it ..ohh I almost forget that you did this to my arm"(he point at his arm that bleeding badly)

Seoul Eun sigh "hey don't have a pretty face .. second ,if I die I will find you and torture you with my ghost form ..and your arm..*(Seoul Eun bit her lips)"

"What with my arm it's worst than yours "the guy glare at him

Seoul Eun glare at him"follow me ,I'm get it that your arm more worst let's go to fix your chicken wing"

"HEYYY!!"The guy shout at her

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