chapter 56: Eun bi pretend to be Seoul Eun???

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Third POV

Ji Na slowly turn around and her eyes went wide as she saw.. "You.. you are.."

"I need your help.. please" The girl (wearing mask and hoodie) looked at Ji Na in pleaded

Ji Na frowned her eyebrows in worried and nod her head "I will"

They both go to a warehouse in the middle of the forest quickly while bring the Aid kits and few things that emergency need

"Where are we? Why are we here?" She looked around the forest before went inside with the girl in curious

"Palli (quick) she lost the blood and her face pale, please save her" the old uncle shout from far while holding a teenage girl in his arm

Ji Na stop her walked as she saw the scenery of Seoul Eun full with blood on her clothes and the aid kits that she hold, fall on the ground

"Eu-- Eun Byul" Her eyes went wide and stutter

The girl open her hoodie and the mask as she show her identity; and the most shocked was she is not even a girl, its a boy who stabbed Seoul Eun

He pulled away his wig hair and looked at her in worried "save her please"

Ji Na mouth tremble and looked at Seoul Eun in worried, she quickly take the aid kits and run toward her. Ji Na crotch down and told the uncle to let Seoul Eun laid down and elevate her legs as he took the clothes and pressure the place where she got stabbed

"How can she got bleed?" Ji Na asked as she take the scissors and cut Seoul Eun outfit

The old uncle tried to talked but the guy cut his word and crotch down, "She got stabbed by the knife at the abdomen"

She pressed the blood with clothes to put pressure "it's a serious injured, she lost too much blood; bleeding extremely heavily from either a major artery or vein, they can lose a lot of blood very quickly. The bleeding is likely to pulsate in time with the heart. This is more pronounced with an arterial bleed, but can also happen with a venous bleed. With extremely heavy, potentially catastrophic bleeding an adult could easily lose 40% of their blood volume in 3-4 minutes"

"How many minutes she got left like this? I will helped her but I need some space, we don't have much time since she lost a lot of blood" Ji Na said and looked at them in serious

The old uncle nod and said "around 5-10 minutes and please save her"

The guy and the old uncle walked away from the scene and left Ji Na

She took the gloves and wear it while examine the area to see if there is anything stuck in the wound. Ji Na quickly elevate the bleeding area above the level of the heart to slow down the bleeding.

"Lee Eun bi?" Yi An frowned his eyebrows and looked at the boy who is hugging Eun bi

Eun bi smiled at the boy and bend down "Gomawoyeo (thank you) Moon Ji, this is the gift that we had promised"

"Welcome eonnieeeee" the boy smiled cutely and run away with the ball that he hold

Yi An looked at Eun bi who is walking toward him, "Are you.. the one that give ..the bracelet to him?

Eun bi looked up and give him a sad smiled "Yes, we had promised about it remember?"

Yi An looked at her in confused "We?"

"Aren't you forget? We had talked about it that the boy is our fate that bring us met till now" Eun bi gabe him a fake smiled sweetly

Yi An chuckled and crossed his both arms on his chest "yah lee Eun bi, don't pretend to be your sister"

Eun bi looked down and bit her lips as   she remembered what Eun Byul told her the plan and the news that came out about Seoul Eun death

"Yi An--ahh actually.. " Eun bi hesitated to talked cause think that should she continue the planned or not

Throw back

Eun Byul sat down on the bench in lifeless that near the cemetery and smirk in disbelief as her tears slowly fall "She's.. gone"

"I.. I mean, maybe it's not her. Maybe it just a mistaken, I know that she still alive, maybe or somewhere out there.. she still alive and tried to find us" Eun bi crotch down and looked up at the Eun Byul as her tear trickled down her cheek; she hold her sister knee to assured Eun Byul

Eun Byul shook her head variously as her voice broke and a tear slid down her face "it's impossible, you saw it's her body just now and the news! I-- I couldn't even help her to revenge and I made her life more miserable, how can she.. she just go like that"

"Maybe revenge is not a way to help her but--" Eun bi word was cut off by Eun Byul who stood up

Eun Byul turn her hands into a fist and gritted her teeth "Revenge is not a way but forgetting is the way to solve the problem"

"What do you mean? Forget is not the way to solve the problem.. but forgiveness" Eun bi stood up and looked at Eun Byul with her eyes filled with tears

Eun Byul looked at Eun bi and said "there's a no way that I'm going to forgive them by how they treated Seoul Eun! Han Soo Jin need to paid for it, no matter what! She can never passed me; even I don't have leg, I would use my hand to support me "

"So what's your planned?" Eun bi frowned her eyebrows

Eun Byul eyes shot red and smirked "Since Han Yi An is the person that she want so much, I will made the tiger cry cause of other happiness"

"I am Joo Seoul Eun" Eun bi looked at Yi An in sad eyes

Thank you so much for supporting this book 🥺

Hope you guys choose the next scene

•Seoul Eun
•Eun bi
•Eun Byul

Add character

•Yi An
•Yeon Jun (the guy) I add this cause of one comment that suggest me @flowerbantang06
•Tae Kwang
Hae In

which moment?


Bonus chapter?

Any scene that you wanna add? *(Interest story only I will add)

What do you guys think about this chapter? Comment down below to let me know and don't be a silent readers cause I wont count it as you read 👉🏻👈🏻

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