chapter 53: Yi An marry with Soo Jin?!

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Seoul Eun POV

Tonight is truly cold, it's been long time I haven't meet Han Yi An since the incident..

If I know that incident would happen.. I would turn back the time, maybe tell him earlier or maybe.. don't go there or step that place at all

I look up at the moon as I stop my walk while rub my both arms "its a beautiful moon tonight"

After just now incident, I told Eun byul eonnie that I want to take a fresh air and told her to tell eomma so that everyone won't be worry about me

Unbeknownst by me, someone stood beside me "I thought you won't go out at night alone after you met the ghost last time"

I turn to look beside me and my eyes start to fill the tears when I saw..

"Jung Hae In?" I look at him with my tears

He smile as he heard I called his name and use his hand to hold my hand "what are you doing alone at here?"

"Fresh air?" I smile as I hold his hand tighter

We both start to walk while holding hands "Soooo you haven't meet.. Yi An guy since that incident?"

I shook my head while glance at him "what about you with Eun Byul eonnie?"

He shook his head "why should I?"

"I mean you guys kinda close to each other" I smile to him while raised one of my eyebrows

He chuckled "we never mean to be, I just thought she was you at that time and that's mean, all the things and what I did was not for her.. it's for you"

We both stop walking and turn to each other, he raised his another hand and hold my both hands "Seoul Eun-ahh, do you.. still remember me and.. our past?"

"I.. dunno" I stare at his eyes in sadness

He take a deep breath "Do you still remember our promise?"

"maybe" I mumble while my fingers cares his knuckles

Hae In raised his right hand and put on my cheeks as he cares it while stare at me with the tears in his eyes "I miss you so much"

"Hae In-ahh" I look at him in sadness

I remember him but I don't remember my memories with him, the feeling that I had with him it's not a mutual. I know he likes me and maybe me but the feeling that I had for him, is far away from my heart.

I hold his hand that cares my cheeks and pull away "I'm .. sorry"

He smile sadly and put his hands inside his jeans pocket "I understand, don't worry I will give you time as much as you want"

"Thank you" I smile weakly as I nod my head

I look down and glance at him "my house is near from here, thank you for accompany me.. see you soon Jung Hae In"

I turn around and start to walk a few steps before turn back and wrapped my arms around his waist, give him a small hug "I hope this hug can make you happy"

After I said that, I quickly turn and run back home

He smile widely and shout "I AMMM!!"

I chuckled as I look front "who's that?"

A few guys that wear black coat and sunglass leans against the van that in front of my house door gate

I walk to them and frown my eyebrows "who are you?"

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now