chapter 4 :the ghost

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Third person POV

"Han Yi An.." Yi An ignore it and walking to the school gate while playing his bag strap

"Yah,Han Yi An ..wait for me" out of the blue ,someone put his hand on Yi An shoulder to make Yi An stop walking..but he just shrug it off

"What do you want .. we're late do you know that" Yi An turn his head to look at him and stop his walk

"No..we have 5 minute left so we're not late .. aren't you know it "Taekwang look at him with slumber look

Yi An rolled his eyes..he look in front and start to walk back

"So, how's your arm ..I heard that you can start practice now" Taekwang look at Yi An while use his index finger and touch Yi An shoulder where the car hit him at..

Yi An rolling his shoulder and look at taewang while raising his right eyebrow "I'm fine least I can start to swim like normal..and please did you asked me for permission to touched my shoulder "

"I'm not going to ask you because you're my friend ..I'm just checking you out ..because I'm worried.. " Taekwang shove his hands in his pants pocket

After their conversation ..there was a silent betweens them..not an awkward silent but a peaceful silent .. everyone had went in to their class because the class had start 10 minutes ago ..

The school hallway is quiet and peaceful ..when Taekwang broke the silent again "It's peaceful but scary at the same time ..I heard that there's a ghost in this school " Taekwang look at Yi An

"They're not real ..are you scare?" Yi An chuckle

Taekwang straightened his body and made a cool face "I'm not ..are you scare?"

Yi An look at Taekwang and gulp "I'm not?"

When they walking ..they didn't notice a figure have follow them .. the figure smirk and shout behind them "Boo!"

The two teenage boys shock and hug each other .."EOMMA !"

Yi An look at Taekwang "take a deep breath and slowly turn around .."

Taekwang nod ..they slowly take a deep breath and turn around and saw..Eunbi ?

"Yah, michyeoss-eo" Taekwang look at Eunbi and sigh while Yi An put his hand on his chest

"You scare us death"Yi An sigh and turn to look in front and use the back door .. he slowly open the door and walk inside to class ..

Taekwang look at Eunbi "don't do that again me but you can do that to Yi An"

Eunbi smile at her boyfriend .."I know..and teacher Kim hadn't come yet so you're very lucky or you will be punish again"she hold his hand and start to walk inside the class

They walk inside and saw Eunbyul is looking at her desk with terrified ..while some students stand up looking at her desk and some student gasp and froze..

Kim Joon Seok or known as teacher Kim ..he drink his coffee from the cup while walk in the class and didn't realize what had happen yet "I didn't hear any noise from's a good thing all must be study for your exam this we--"

He put his things down on the desk and look up ..his eyes widen because he saw ..


Seoul Eun POV

"Thank you for coming..halmeoni I hope your grandson will get well soon" I smile at her

"Thank you for telling me that ..I love your daughter ..she such a nice young lady "halmeoni chuckle

Eomma pat my shoulder and smile sweetly at halmeoni "she is really a nice young lady ..I hope your grandson will get well soon ..and please come again "

"Aigoo, of course I will come back again annyeong Seoul Eun-ahh"halmeoni chuckle and walk out from the store

"Eomma, am I going to eat medicine ?" I blink my eyes and pout

Eomma nod and smile"you have to eat it ..or you will get sick "

I nod and put the medicine in mouth ..and quickly drink the water ..

I gulp and crunch my face "it's so bitter ..yucks"

Eomma laugh .."it's medicine ..sweetie ..we can't expect it will be sweet aren't we"

I start to laugh with her when the phone rang..we stop laughing

Eomma slide it to answer the call ..while I'm with customer ..

"Here you go, have a good day "I give the balance and smile

The boy smile back "thanks ,I will come back again ..annyeong ,yeppeun noona (goodbye, pretty noona)

He bow and run out ..while I chuckle and wave at him..such a cute boy for his young age


Miss Song swipe her phone and put it beside her ears "yeobosaeyo...this is miss Song talking"

"This is from Sekang highschool ..your daughter Ko Eu--" miss Song know what she will said next so she quickly end the call and walk to the counter where Seoul Eun stand ..

She take her bag and car key "Seoul Eun I will be back..please watching my store and don't go anywhere .."she said and quickly ran out from the store

"Eomma !" Seoul Eun shout and sigh..

"What happens .. is something happen on unnie " she frown

'hope not' she thought ..and quickly gesture the customer that come in to the store

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