chapter 27 :Soo Jin and Seoul Eun fight

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Third person POV

Eun bi stop her track and look up..her eyes widen when she saw Tae Kwang

"Who is Seoul Eun"Tae Kwang stare at her

Tae Kwang bit his lips "I said ..WHO IS SEOUL EUN !!..what do you mean by I will not let anything happen to Seoul Eun"

Eun bi look at Tae Kwang and let a tears fall "Seoul Eun ..*(she pause and take a deep breath ) she's my --"

They were staring at each other until they heard someone coming to their way..

Eun bi quickly wipe her tears ..and turn around ..

Seoul Eun and Yi An was waving at them..

"Eun bi-ahh !!!" Seoul Eun shout and ran to hug Eun bi

While Seoul Eun and Eun bi hugging ..Tae Kwang and Eun bi make an eyes contact

Seoul Eun pull away from the hug "why are you two here alone"

Yi An wiggle his eyebrows "they do something that we too innocent to see it"

"Eww..your head is too much full with garbage" Seoul Eun scrunch her nose cutely

Tae Kwang turn to look at Seoul Eun "he always fill his head with garbage and leftovers thing "

"YAHH.." Yi An hit Tae kwang arm

Eun bi look at Yi An then back to Seoul Eun
"Eun byul-ahh let's go back to class now "

"But I'm's free period right "Seoul Eun pout

Tae Kwang look at Eun bi with suspicious eyes while Yi An frown

Yi An look at Eun bi "we had agree about can't break our promise"

Eun bi bit her lips "she can't ..Eun byul-ahh did you forget that we have to search about president past life for our history project"

Yi An want to said something but Eun bi quickly drag Seoul Eun arm ..

Yi An look at Tae Kwang "I just want to said that we all had done history project "

"Seoul Eun" Tae Kwang mumble

Yi An tilt his head "do you said something ..I can't hear you"

Tae Kwang start to walk away ..


Eun Byul POV

Today eomma said that ..she didn't need help for her store so I just went to orphanage to meet Hae In..

On my way there ,I still can't take off my mind about what had happened last night ..

I really fell for him ..I love him

for the first time in my life I fell for a guy ..

I don't know why apart from this I feel like I did something wrong ..

Hae In and Seoul Eun are best friend ..but now I lie to them ..not letting them seeing each other ..

But this is my first time fall for a guy ..I can't let anyone ruin it ..

What if ..what if Eun bi said was true no no no no ..nothing will happen right ..I'm just helping Seoul Eun apart from that I can meet Hae In ..

I just need to let Seoul Eun and Yi An fell for each other so that she will let me take her place ..

I stop my track in front of the orphanage ..and look at Hae In who was singing and dancing with kids around him copy his movement

"Jung Hae In" I smile at him

He stop and look at my way ..while smiling " do know that you're late "

I shook my head and look at my watch "I'm three minutes late"

"You do know that three minutes ..isn't worth to stand like a statue right"Hae in chuckle

I laugh and rolled my eyes"whatever"

Third Person POV

Eun bi drag Seoul Eun to library ..

Eun bi look around and saw no sign of student ..she sigh

Seoul Eun frown "eonnie ..why did you dragging me here ?"

Eun bi look at Seoul Eun "you must be careful around Tae kwang ..alright"

"Why? Did anything happen " Seoul Eun bit her lips

Eun bi shook her head "nothing happen .."

Seoul Eun frown "but Eun bi eo--"

Suddenly Eun bi phone rang ..Eun bi pick up the phone and answer it..

Two minutes later Eun bi told Seoul Eun that she had to go because Song Joo needs help with girls thing

Seoul Eun sigh "and now I'm alone"

Out of the blue,she heard someone said behind her "you're not alone .."

(0 period/0 gyoshi) school 2015 soundtrack

She slowly turn around and saw Han Soo Jin leans against the bookshelf..she gulp her saliva ..

Han Soo Jin straightened her back and walk toward Seoul Eun until she's in front of her..they stare at each other eyes with hateful

Seoul Eun thought 'Eun byul and Eun bi eonnie's said that I couldn't told anyone that I'm Seoul Eun'

Soo Jin glare" are you Ko Eun byul ..I mean the real Ko Eun byul"

Seoul Eun look at her while raising her eyebrow "yes I am ..why did you think I'm not myself "

"Do you think I'm stupid .. you're Joo Seoul Eun right .. I can see your fear in your eyes" Soo Jin smirk

Seoul Eun smirk "why do you think I'm Joo Seoul Eun ..don't you think you should be fear because I can do anything to you"

"You wrong ,you should be fear on me..I can do anything on you .." Soo Jin smirk evilly

Seoul Eun hands turn to fist "Han Soo Jin ..I don't know what's your intentions are ..stop playing like a kids..I'm not Joo Seoul Eun and my twin sister is Lee Eun bi ..and for your information ..if you know about Joo Seoul Eun will you share with me the information about her ..will you tell me ..who are you toward her"

"Why should I tell you.. you're not Joo Seoul Eun besides.." Soo Jin whisper to Seoul Eun ear "I will find out who you are "

Seoul Eun bit her lips while Soo Jin back to her place ..

Seoul Eun look at Soo Jin "I'm sure that you will find nothing waste your time Han Soo Jin ..I don't know why you want to do this and threaten me but I'm sure you and Seoul Eun didn't had a good relationship before .."

"I will not regret to try it ..even everyone said that you're Ko Eun byul ..I'm still sure about you're Joo Seoul Eun that I know ..a girl who is pathetic .. hypocrite..slut and prick " Soo Jin smirk

Seoul Eun smile "do you just talking to a mirror ..I'm sorry for telling you that ..this mirror will be broken to see your reflection .."

Seoul Eun start to walk away ..

Soo Jin gritted her teeth and turn her hands to fist ..she look at where Seoul Eun go "I will find you myself ..I'm sure you're Joo Seoul Eun .."

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