chapter 21 :Eun bi & Eun byul argument

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Seoul Eun POV

I smile when I step in the house ..I saw Eun byul eonnie waving her hand at me while smiling.."Seoul Eun !!"

It's weird to call her my name but whatever ..

I quickly ran to her and hug her ..I whisper on her ears "eonnie,I miss you so much"

Eun byul smile and look at me"really..we don't see each other only for 3 days"

I shook my head and let a few tears fell"it's felt like years"

Eun byul wipe it "aigoo my sister crying"

Eum bi pout "what about me?"

Eun byul chuckle and pull Eun bi in "come here you dork"

Eun bi smile "eomma !"

Eomma put her purse down on the table ..she make her way and hug us..

Eomma smile "aigoo daughter's"

We make a family group hug..that time I know .. I have a perfect family

But I didn't realize my life will change when the truth is to be told

Time skip

"..and he called me poop !" Seoul Eun said while eating my chips from the bowl

They were laughing at Seoul Eun while she pout cutely

Eun byul look at Seoul Eun "you know's only three days the whole trips had been chaos "

Eun bi smile "they just act like an old marriage couple's quite funny to see them argue about small things"

Eun byul chuckle while Seoul Eun pout more "aishh ..eonnie you must support me ..not make fun on me !"

Eun bi giggle "what about you ,my lady"

Eun byul " just same as yours .. but I meet a man same age as us"

Seoul Eun smile"who? You have a crush on him?"

Eun byul flicked her forehead "I don't have a crush ..but I think you may"

Seoul Eun frown until she get what Eun byul mean ..her eyes become widen "I don't like him nor have a crush on him ..he is an annoying guy.."

They laugh at Seoul Eun again ..Seoul Eun was sitting on the bed while the two of them sitting on the floor...

Seoul Eun quickly take two pillows and throw on them

Seoul Eun whine while Eun byul and Eun bi tease her more

Naegen Gidaeeododwae various artist by school 2015

Time skip

Eun bi eyes widen "mwo (what) ! "

Eun bi turn to look at Seoul Eun who is asleep on the bed then turn to Eun byul and whisper shout "You meet her best friend!"

Eun byul had a sad face on her and nod "I meet him at the charity .. and he told me he is Seoul Eun best friend..I think he will be useful ..he know Seoul Eun more than we did..he will help us more "

Eun bi shake her head "Eun byul , I had been thru many than you thought and there is place is like you walk on the plank ..I just think we should stop..if everyone know that we--"

Eun byul glare at Eun bi "if we stop ..Seoul Eun will be in danger..and that time we will be late.."

Eun bi look at her with disbelief "Eun byul I had been thru everything that you never will be a big chaos ..If Yi An know or Hae In know this, it will be a disaster ..I know how it feels ..when the truth to be told..Seoul Eun is innocent ..what if she ..if she remember back her memory .."

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now