chapter 41 :first slap and the news

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Third person POV

"Who do you think that you can slapped her?" Seoul Eun hold tightly her wrist

Soo Jin glare at her "this is my business with her,I can do whatever I want toward don't have the right things to tell me"

"Han Soo Jin,why? You're targeting why are you targeting her?she's innocent and you make her went thru this?" Seoul Eun raise her voice

Soo Jin yank Seoul Eun hand away from her wrist "don't you get it? If I want to make you suffer,I will do anything even I'm going to kill someone and let you be the one to replace my place"

Ji Na bit her lips and look at Seoul Eun "I'm sorry,if I know tha--"

Her words was cut off by Soo Jin sigh in disbelief "why are you said sorry to her..she's nothing,you should listen to me..I am the president daughter.. My ranking is higher than her... right! I should know that you homeless is bowing down to someone that save you..what a little trash you are..your sick mother wi--"

Seoul Eun slap her hardly before she could said anything else and glare at her like how Eun byul glare at Soo Young. Soo Jin fell on the floor by the impact and held her cheek that had been slap

Eun bi,Tae Kwang and Ji Na look at the scene with shock..

Out of the blue, Ji Na phone was ringing. She  quickly took out her phone from her bag and look at the phone screen..

Doctor Jang~

She swipe to answer the call phone as she glance at the scene in front of her ..

Soo Jin quickly get up from the floor and look at her with her eyes widen in anger, she turn her hands into fist

"This slap should wake you up Han Soo should be respect to someone,you said you're the president daughter but you do not act like think that you're the one that can play your game since you start it first ..I think you're wrong"Seoul Eun grab Soo Jin face and smirk

"Han Soo Jin,even everyone look at me like I'm an ant who is tiny little bug that can be step by everyone else but we know even an ant had their poison,once they bite you, you're gonna suffer by that" Seoul Eun push her face away like how she push Ji Na face

Ji Na didn't heard anything else beside the words that doctor Jang had said to her just now.. her face turn to pale as her phone fell from her grip, she close her eyes and let her tears fell " mal-do an-dwae (it doesn't make sense)"

She open her eyes back and wipe her tears,she take a deep breath and quickly bend down to take her phone..

Soo Jin clench her jaw "do whatever you want,Ko Eun byul.. Next time, you will be the one to suffer..and you know me well,I can get whatever I long as you a live,you will suffer in my hand"

Soo Jin turn to look at Ji Na who is running back to the hospital without a word

Soo Jin glare at her "Yah,Kim Ji Na! Where are you going..our business has not done yet !!"

She start to run toward her but stop by Seoul Eun who hold her forearm and yank her back to her place..

"Han Soo Jin,why did you let her do that?" Seoul Eun said

Soo Jin rolled her eyes and start to walk again but stop by Seoul Eun who yank her again

Seoul Eun look at her "I said, why did you let her do that! Stop forcing her to work the trash thing that you made"

"Trash? I did this because I want to make everyone realize how a liar you are.. and let me tell you, from the beginning ..You don't know the words between truth and lie ..that's what I want to make you realize and make everyone to know how you lie to them with your pathetic face" Soo Jin glare at her

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