chapter 50:she's pregnantttt

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"for real guys, what's wrong with that han soo jin" Eun bi said as she rolling her eyes

Hae In had took Seoul Eun to hospital as fast as he can while Eun byul called Eun bi and eomma to told them about Seoul Eun had went to the hospital

Tae kwang sigh "that witch will do anything just to get into her way, she will never stop trying (he look at Eun bi and Eun bi look at him back as he whisper) valak"

Eun bi out of sudden smack his arm none stop " yahhhh!! Gong tae kwang, stop stop stopppp, arhhhhh you wanna die is it, why did you remind meeeeee about that movieeee"

Tar kwang laugh and hold her small fist "I'm sorry, I'm just kidding Eun bi-ah, I won't do it again okay?"

Eun bi cross her arms and pout "pinky promise"

"Pinky promise" tae kwang smile and pinch her cheeks

Hae In look at Seoul Eun in worry eyes as he cares her cheeks while lost in thought 'you are my Seoul Eun, I'm sorry I can't recognize you and I'm sorry I can't protect you from harm's

He close his eyes and look down while sobbing

"If something happen to me one day, please let me remember who you are to me, don't leave me and love me like you always do even I push you away, don't change yourself, I will always love you" Seoul Eun cares his both cheeks while smiling at him

Hae In pout "yahhhh!! Don't tell like that what if it's really happen to you"

Seoul Eun chuckle while pinch his cheeks "I had suffer much in this world, I don't know what will happen next to me.." she look down and thinking about future for awhile

"Nothing will happen as long as I'm here Seoul Eun ah" he said while put his palm on her cheek and raised her head "I will never let anything happen to you, I pinky promise"

"Hae In-ah" his thought was cut off as Seoul Eun open her eyes slowly and looking around till her eyes meet his eyes

Hae In look at her as his breath suddenly stop cause mesmerizing her looks while others called her name "Seoul Eun!"

Seoul Eun give him a warm smile while her tears slowly fall "Jung Hae In~"

They both look at each other as Hae In hold her hand tightly and let his tears fall from his eyes"mi-an-he (I'm sorry) jung-mal mi-an-he (I'm really sorry)"

Tears stung Seoul Eun eyes as she look at Hae In " it's okay.. Jung hae In"

Third point of view

Eun byul hide behind the door while looking at the scene with sad eyes and turn her back while putting her palm on her tremble lips

"Maybe there's still a chance with him" she look down and wipe her tears as she take a deep breath

"Eo, where's Eun byul eonnie" tae kwang look around to find eun byul

Eun bi look at miss song "eomma did you see Eun byul eonnie?"

"She said she's at outside, waiting for someone" miss song said while putting her things down on the table

Tae kwang and eun bi look at each other knowing that Eun byul is hiding somewhere while crying her eyes out

"Arhhhhhhhhh" Yi An shout his lungs out as his eyes shot red while holding the railing

He take a deep breath "why me, why only me, why it's always happen to me"

"It's unfair to me, why the fate let me be like this, why why whyyyyyy" he let his tears fall while sobbing

Yi An go to sekang school and walk to the rooftop to relax after knowing that..his confusion love is just a person, who was true self and pretending to be other

As he cool down, a girl from behind walking to him while smirking "Han Yi An"

He turn around and saw none other than Han Soo Jin "what do you want from me?"

"I have something for you to discovery more about her" Soo Jin stop her walk and look up

He look at her with unbelievable face "Han Soo Jin stop pretending that you are a victim in this situation even you had unravel all the secrets"

"You think I don't know why did you do this? You are wrong about me" He stare at her eyes with the hate while walking away

"Maybe you will change your mind about me after you know about her boyfriend" she said as she raised her eyebrows

Yi An stop his walk for few seconds and slowly turn around..

Soo Jin smile evilly "maybe you are the one that wrong about me Han Yi An.. Joo Seoul Eun, no matter where you go, there always a puppy that following you but once it turn to a wolf, he will be the one that going to hunt you down as I promise"

"What?! So you going to tell me that you are pregnantttt" Tae kwang eyes widened as he look at her

Her heartbeat beat fast as she close his mouth "Gong tae kwang! Can you just slow down your voice, what if someone heard about it"

Tar kwang start to panicked "don't panicked, don't panicked, don't panicked Eun bi-ah"

Eun bi look at him with really face "you are the one that panicked"

"Okay okay, how can you be pregnantttt" he look at her and then point at her tummy then point at her face and point again at her tummy

"I don't know but you are going to be a fatherrrr" Eun bi smile without thinking or panicked about it

Tae kwang eyes brows frown as he ask "father?"

"Yuppieeeee fatherrrrrr wooohoooooooo" Eun Bi smile widely while doing a dance

Out of sudden tae kwang fall on the ground while laughing "father! Hahahahaha, I'm going to be a father and her tummy have my child" after he said that his faint

Eun bi crotch down and hold his head "take kwang ah, yahh gong tae kwang! Someone help me please!"

"So she is pregnant his child" someone smirk while listening to their conversation just now

He look at them while looking in impressed "this going to be a fun game for us.. I'm going to destroy all of you, especially Joo family"

Author note

I'm sorry guys I'm late🥺
Hope you like this chapter and guys help me choosing for the next chapter

Which moment you want in the next chapter, choose 3

1.seoul Eun x hae in
2.eun bi x tae kwang
3.han yi An
4.eun byul x soo jin
5.eun byul x hae in x seoul eun
6.han yi an x seoul eun
7.Seoul eun x Eun byul x Eun bi
8.soo jin

Or you can choose three character for me and maybe give me situation a bit

1.seoul Eun
2.eun byul
3.eun bi
4.soo jin
5.hae in
6.yi an

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now