chapter 2 :my twins sister

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Seoul Eun is roaming around the room looking everything curiously

Until she saw a book that catch her eyes..She walk closer to the vanity mirror and take the book .. while looking at it and furrowed her eyebrows ..She realise that it's not a book but an album

"Our family memories "she read and smile at it

She turn the page slowly ..Before she can see anything the book was close back ..

She look up and saw two girls ..That looks like her ..

She smile at them and said "you must be my twin sisters "

They smile .."I'm Eun byul ..Your elder sister and this is eunbi -- " Eun byul introduce themselves but interrupt by eunbi

"--the most beautiful sister" eunbi wink at Seoul eun

Seoul eun chuckle while Eun byul glare at eunbi...They start arguing

Seoul eun laugh at their childishness.. 'if I have remember everything ~'she thought

Seoul Eun look down and pout "Sorry.." she mumbling

They stop arguing and look at her with their worry eyes..

"Why did you said sorry to us"Eun bi crunch her face

"If I have remember everything about us"Seoul eun said softly

"It's okay ..You don't need to remember..We will make a new memory with you"Eun byul said and smile at her..

Eun byul took the book from Seoul Eun hand ..

"Er--umm we have not done yet about this album..And ..And ..It's a surprise gift for you but ...--"Eun bi said nervously but cut off by Eun byul "it's not done yet..when it's done we will give it to you"

"Yeah.." eunbi said and they both nod ..Seoul Eun look at them curiously but shrug it off

"Seoul Eun ..You don't need to remember anything..Tomorrow we will give you memory that you will never forget until you die"eunbi Pat her head..

Eun byul smack Eun bi head "I had told you never said die!"Eun byul turn to Seoul eun

Eun bi pout and glare at Eun byul "is she think my head is made from rock ..aishh"
She said and rub her head where Eun byul smack her

Eun Byul ignore her and rolling her eyes

"Seoul Eun..Do you want to stroll around this area? With us" Eun Byul said and put her arm around Seoul Eun shoulder..

Eunbi fake cough "I'm not going ..I want to help eomma prepare the dish .." after she said that she skip her leg to living room..

Eun Byul roll her eyes .."lazy ass " she mumble.. Seoul eun just chuckle

Skip time at the bus stop

Eun Byul and Seoul Eun hold hands while they were walking toward the bus stop..

"Eun Byul eonnie..Can you tell me ...How am I got into hospital and had lost my memory " Seoul Eun said

Eun Byul look at her with widen eyes ..

Eun Byul POV

Just think an excuse Eun Byul ..Take a deep breath and create a story like you always did when you stole Eun bi edition mask

We stop walking in front of the bus stop..I turn to her and place my hands on her shoulder

"urmm.. I will tell you but you have to relax and don't panic"I said and she nod her head..

I take deep breath and tell her my fake and lame story "Well it's start from we take a bike and yo--" suddenly a shout interrupt my word ..

Yes thanks Lord ,you had save me.. I look in front while Seoul Eun turn around looking at the figure who is wave his hand

"EUN BI..LEE EUN BI"he shout ..Wait ..Wait a minute..This sound like.. taekwang?

I squint my eyes ..And it's really him..ohh sh** ...

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now