chapter 29 : confuse?

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Third person POV

Seoul Eun avert her eyes from Eun byul and look at the guy with eyes widen ..

Seoul Eun use her index finger , point at Hae In "you.."

Eun byul bit her lips "Eun byul-ahh!! "

"Eun byul?"Hae In frown and look at Eun byul

Yi An put his hands on his pocket " you're Eun bi...wahhh you really look like Eun byul ..I think it's dark now.. that's why I saw you look like Eun byul..even you're not just now "

Hae In frown again "twins ..she's your twins ..why didn't you tell me you have twins and who's Eun bi"

"Jung Hae In --"Seoul Eun suddenly collapse

Eun byul take a step back and put her hand over her mouth ..while Hae In frown look at Seoul Eun ..he took a step forward but stop ..he didn't know what to do ..

Yi An quickly crotch down and pull her into his arms "Eun byul ..yah ..are you sick look pale...Ko Eun byul..aishh"

Seoul Eun look at Hae In and her eyes brimming with tears ,she mumble"real.. you're real "

She slowly close her eyes and let her tears fell from her cheek

Yi An look at Eun byul "I will take her to her room"

Yi An get up and carry her like bridal style .."hold on Eun byul-ahh"

Eun byul look at Hae In then back to Seoul Eun and Yi An "Hae In "

Hae In look at Eun byul with disbelief "this is not you.."

"Hae in .. I--" Eun byul took a step forward to Hae In ..but he took a step back

Hae In look at Eun byul "you lie to me..this is not you ..Joo Seoul Eun will never lie to me ..who are you ..are you really her ..why did that Eun byul look shock when she saw me ..why did I feel I have known her long ago ..who is she ..and why did that guy said you're Eun bi  ...who are you"

He let a tears fall "are you Joo Seoul Eun?"

Eun byul thought ' I'm sorry ..but I had fall for you ..I must get going ..I can't tell you that I'm not Seoul Eun ..'

Eun byul let a tears fall "Jung Hae In ..don't you trust me ..I'm Joo Seoul Eun ..the girl that you know since childhood ..they change my name to Eun bi since they adopt me ..and she look shock because ..she ..I..I told her about you ..I said I fall in love with you but she didn't believe because you're too good for me ..but now she is "

Eun byul let her tears fell and sob "she said I will never find a guy ..we're not the same rank ..and you're too good to me...she hate me ..that's why when I look at her just now I'm scare ..she always threaten me ..I told you the truth .."

Eun byul close her eyes ' I'm sorry Seoul Eun  ...I had no choice ..or he will know I'm not you ..and he will love you ..'

Lie,Eun byul lie to him ..she never told Seoul Eun about Hae In..she didn't said anything about Eun byul and Hae In

Eun byul had to or .. Hae In will leave her and went to Seoul Eun ..that's what she think

She didn't like to lie  ..but she had to ..scare of her love will leave her alone

Hae In sigh and pull Eun byul into hug "I trust you mi-an-hae (I'm sorry).."

Eun byul open her eyes and bit her lips ..' I will not let Seoul Eun take our relationship away ...even if I have to lie ..I will do it ..'

They didn't know that Tae kwang had saw the scene from the beginning ..

He leans against his body on electric pole ..'Is she Eun bi..why did she lie to him ..who is she ..she really look like Eun byul than Eun bi ..her eyes I can tell that ..Joo Seoul Eun ,is that the girl that Eun bi said at school ..why did she said something that Eun byul will not do ..what is the guy relationship with her ..who is she..who are they?"

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