chapter 45 :he fall in love on 'two girls'

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Seoul Eun POV

I look at Yi An who is using the egg and rub it slowly on my cheek ..

"Why are you soooo stupid!!" Yi An glance at me before went back to paying attention on my swollen cheek

I sigh "what are you talking about.. where's the part that I'm being stupid?"

We're at rooftop and sitting on one of the bench ..

"Why won't you just slap her back or punch her with your rock head" Yi An said

I look at him with disbelief "I'm not that kind of human who is fighting back for trash"

He rolled his eyes and use the egg and slowly roll it around my cheek ...

I stare at him and smile "are you mad because she had slapped me"

"Of course I'm mad, did you think I would let her go like that! Wait and see, what I will do if I found her.. how dare she slapped someone that innocent" he yell as he look up at the sky

I look at him and giggle "so, you care about me?"

"Dangyonhaji (of course), you're my--" Yi An turn to look at me and stop his word

We're staring at each other eyes, I look at him waiting for him to finish his sentence but as I stare at his eyes.. I lost in his eyes, I don't know why but I feel trap in it .


I look at her as I open my mouth but I close back ..

Suddenly a name fill in my head 'Joo Seoul Eun'. I love her and I really do even she always wear a mask. But I don't know how or why.. I start to fell for Eun byul too.

"Mi-an, I .. I have to go .. I need to go to train coach is waiting for me" I give her the egg and stood up as I walk away from the bench

I grab the door knob and turn it around as I glance at her and walk out .. or ran

This is crazy, I in love with a two girl at the same time. Even I'm not with Seoul Eun every time, but I still fill the love. It's like love at first sight , a soulmate.

I stop my track and grab the stair railing as I panting and leans against the wall beside me.

"I'm fall for two girls" I grab my chest and close my eyes slowly ..

That's impossible..I must make a conclusion quick before something happen

I slowly open my eyes "I need to find Seoul Eun after this"

Third person POV

Seoul Eun look at the egg that Yi An give her as she tilt her head "my what? Aishhh, that guy is so irresponsible.. always avoid the things that he said"

She sigh and look at the sky "am I being curse to be with the two personality guy!!!"

"A heartless guy and A kind hearted guy!!!chh..sometimes I want to punch him and sometimes I want to hug's so unfair to put me with this guy!!!" Seoul Eun yell and look at the egg

"At least, I still have you.. Mr egg" she smile at the egg and kiss it


Tae Kwang pull Eun Bi away who is pulling Soo Jin hair .. the two girls hair were like bird nest as they look at each other with scowl face

Tae kwang sigh "let's not fight okay... You should not waste your time with this trash.."

"Han Soo Jin, this is the last warning that I give you.. don't ever did that to an innocent people.. you had told her to made your dirt thing and now you blamed her.." Eun bi glare at her

Soo Jin only had a smirk on her face "there's more that I can do to let you see that I can break you down.."

Tae Kwang scoff "there's more that I can tell that your brainless head become more brainless"

He hold Eun bi hand and walk away from Soo Jin as he yell without turn to look the girl "Bye, brainless!!"

Time skip~

"Even a flies didn't want to come toward her because when they look at her or even smell .. they will die" Tae Kwang look at the field that in front of him

Eun bi only giggle and glance at him "you're such a dork, even a ghost scared of her.. this only the start, she will did something more than this"

He chuckle and sigh as he rest his arm around her shoulder "I'm your dork after all and beside you don't have to worry anything ..your shining armor will be by your side and keep you from harm..even a mosquito"

She giggle and look at him "really Mr shining armor?"

"Of course, I will.. protect you with my shield that made from lava" he smile and kiss her forehead

Eun bi rest her head on his shoulder "you will always be my prince shining armor"

He pulled her close and rest his head on top of her "you will be my princess and I promise I will always loyal by your side"

They smile as they remember the memories of them being with each other side..


Yi An dive and immerses into the pool as he fasten up his pace..

He exert efforts in his stroke and make sure not to waste anytime as he went into full beast mode..

As he swim, he lost in thought about 'two girls' that he fell..

After some meters and laps, he finally stop his swim and reach the last end as he breath out in the air..

He rub his face and ran his hand through his hair ..

Yi An walk out from the pool and went to the bench to take the towel

"You know, you're super fast today.. is there any competition that will been held later?" His coach said as he walk toward him

Yi An look at his coach "what do you think?"

"Something went wrong?" His coach took a seat beside him

Yi An sigh and nod "sometimes I feel like I had been trap into a world--"

"That called love"his coach smirk and put his hand on his shoulder

Yi An look at his coach and slowly nod ..

His coach only sigh and smile "I always look at you like my child .. I know this feeling, but let me tell you the secret.. your heart will know when you look at her or when you with her.. the heart will choose for us"

He smile at his coach, out of the blue his phone rang..

He take his phone into his hand and swipe it "Yeobosae--"

"This is hospital Seoul Soo (author create) Are you Mr Han son, your father is in ward now.. someone had found out that your father in an alley.. I need you to be here now" the nurse said

Yi An eyes went wide while the phone call had end ..

"Appa" he said

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