chapter 32 :poop,shit,PrInCe ChArMiNg

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Seoul Eun POV

"Yah,bird nest .."Yi An look at me as I walk out from washroom and stand in front of him

Shi Jin had went to somewhere because she need to take a call

I squint my eyes "don't you know that your shirt is tooooooo big for me"

Yi An copy my actions with squint his eyes "yah bird nest ..don't you know that I had wait for you soooooooooo long until my legs hurt .."

I frown "it's not that long "

"Yes,it is ..ahhh why don't you told me you want to poop much did you poop ,(poop poop)*nickname "Yi An raise his eyebrows

I scrunch my nose cutely and lightly smack his chest "YAHH.. you're disgusting ..if I'm poop then you're shit "

"Who called me .."someone said behind me

I turn around and saw Tae Kwang,I frown "are you shit "

"No,he call me shit" Tae Kwang use his index finger point at Yi An

I look at Yi An and cross my arms on my chess "why do you call him shit"

Yi An blinks his eyes "why did I call you shit"

Tae kwang frown "I don't know call me shit first"

I sigh loudly "I'm poop,Tae Kwang is shit ,what are you Han Yi An"

I quickly links my arms with them and turn to look at Yi An "what are you ?"

"A..Prince Charming "Yi An smile and puff his chest

Tae kwang scoff "If you're prince charming then I'm what ..princess "

I shook my head " you will never be a prince charming..I think you will be a .."


Seoul Eun furrowed her eyebrows at him "did you just call me a tree "

The guy smile sascarm "yes I am and do you think I'm a Christmas tree so that you can put this decorations on my face*(he point at his scratch and bruise that on his face)..and for your information it's still summer"

"Are you serio---" Seoul Eun was cut off by a car honk


I quickly turn my head to Yi An "you will be a Christmas tree"

Yi An frown "what do you mean by Christmas tree's still summer "

Tae kwang clap his hands together "because you look like an idiot tall guy ..stand there and did nothing "

Yi An blinks his eyes "Yah ..I'm not like that ..but I know who will be that stupid tree"

Tae Kwang raise his eyebrows "who?"

I cleared my throat "Gaja (let's go)..the class will start in any second "

I pull their hairs and drag them back to class

Tae kwang "YAHH !!! You shouldn't drag us like this ..slow down slow down ..Ko Eun byullll"


I fasten my space and giggle "your hair is too long I'm going to short it !!"

Yi An shout "It's not short ..I will be bold if you drag us like this!!!"

Tae Kwang while "Yahhh !!stop dragging me ..I just dye my hair ..YAHHHHHHH"

Eun byul POV

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now