chapter 5 :the letter

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Third person POV

Teacher Kim slowly walk in front of Eun byul desk ..and gulp

"What's this ?" Teacher Kim take the box in his hand and look inside the box that full with blood and pictures of Eun byul but the truth is ,that girl is not Eun byul but Seoul Eun

"Is this ..blood ...and pictures ?" He frown and turn to look at the class while held the box

"Who put it on Eun byul desk .."teacher Kim look everyone with his stern look

The class silent,no one talk or moving . Yi An stare at Eun byul with his worried eyes

Eun byul take a deep breath and turn to look at the class "who's the first get to the class today"

Gi tae raised his hand then cross his arms on his chest ,he snort "me, when I came in's crystal clear ..I don't see a box nor the tiny dust on your table"

His girlfriend glare at him and nudge his arm ..while look back at Eun byul smile shiply

Eun byul make an eyes contact with everyone "had anyone open this box before?"

Everyone shook their heads quickly ..Eun byul turn to look at teacher Kim and take the box from his hands "I will take it can start the class without me"

Eun byul look back at the class and glare "you know, I'm going to investigate this things ..if I know one of you did this I will not hesitate to be your nightmare ..and one more thing ..don't talk this to anyone and spread it ..if I know someone talk this things out ..I will break their neck "

She said with a stern voice and walk out from the class even teacher Kim look at her with scare .. and touch his neck

Teacher Kim cleared his voice .. "okay everyone sit back down..tae Kwang do not sleep at my class again ..Gi tae ,Min suk and girls sit back down and keep quiet..we will start class now"

Eun bi sneaking out to follow where Eun byul go

Yi An look down in his space before teacher call him again "Han Yi An sit back down ,we will start our discussion about math"

Yi An look up at his teacher and nod ..walk to his desk with his thought 'who did this ?'

Eun byul went to the rooftop and sat at the bench ,she open the box back "I know you're there, Eun bi"..

Eun bi slowly walk out from her place and sat down next to the box ..she peek inside the box and eyes widen .. "this is not us , but Seoul Eun"

"I know ,and I don't understand ..they didn't know about Seoul Eun exist" Eun byul look at the pictures

"I know right , I think someone wants to play with us " Eun bi put the pictures back in the box and something catch her eyes..

She take the envelope and open it "hey, a letter ?"

Eun byul put the pictures beside her and take the letter from Eun bi hands ..she look at it with curios ..and open the letter slowly


Joo Seoul Eun ,

I'm waiting for you


Eun bi bite her lips and look at Eun byul "is he giving us a warning "

Eun byul tore the letter into pieces and take a deep breath "If he think he can did this to us , we will did the same thing he did"

Eun bi frown "what do you mean"

Eun byul raise her eyebrow "he must be scare that he didn't want to show he did this just to scare us ..but I'm too clever that I'm not in his trap ..because he know who am I ..and he know what I will did to him ..if I find out who is him"

"Did you mean that ,he is a student in this school" Eun bi look at her and frown

"I don't think so, Sekang highschool students are quite stupid to know all this things..and I'm clueless how did he know about Seoul Eun ..and why he did this could he know Seoul Eun exist and with us ..but first we need a plan and don't tell eomma about this " Eun byul look at Eun bi

"I know *(she rolled her eyes )If he put this on your table ,did he think you as Seoul Eun "Eun bi tilt her head

"I think so, but he know who am I " Eun byul smirk

"But, how ..are you that popular"Eun bi snort

Eun byul flick her forehead "you know sometimes you're an idiot ..he know bout me ..because of the society that spread about my attitude and my cleverness and I know some days he will know I'm not Seoul Eun ..and I'm her twins ..and you know I like to see how our class been dumb again "

Eun bi look at Eun byul with eyes widen "you mean, you plan to exchange place with her ..what if the past repeat it again"

"What ,that tae Kwang and Yi an will fight against her ..he is your boyfriend ..and she exchange place with me not you" Eun byul roll her eyes

"No, I mean ..look at the past again aren't you remember .. about Han Yi An" Eun bi whisper at the last part

Eun byul sigh , "forget about the past .. okay back to the plan.. I mean ..if he know I'm not Seoul Eun of course he will find her again ..and knowing that we're her twins ..he will know that Seoul Eun is with us ..but if Seoul Eun exchange place with me..he will think Seoul Eun as me ..and I have my way to hide ..she will get safe ..I think..beside I will have my time to investigate this things out.."

Eun bi nod "alright, I think it's a gr---"

Eunbi was cut off by Eun byul phone ringing ..

Eun byul take her phone out and look at the screen ..her eyes widen ..she answer the call quick

Phone call:

Eun byul ; hello, eomma -ahh..why did you call me ..

Eun bi eyes widen and went to Eun byul side..sit beside her and leans against her to listen the conversation

Ms Song ; Eun byul-ahh where are you

Eun bi mouth her sister *(at school school)...

Eun byul nod and put her index finger on her mouth *(shh)

Eun byul :ur..umm school ? Wae (why)

Ms Song : Teacher Kim calls me to came to your highschool ..I think it's urgent ..I went to your class ..and you aren't there with Eun bi I went to office ..your teacher told me that something happens at class ..can you and Eun bi meet us at office

Eun bi eyes ten times widen

Eun byul : alright, I will be there in a few moments .. annyeong (bye), eomma

Ms Song :nae (alright) , annyeong (bye)

Eun byul look at her sister "well, we're in trouble"

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now