chapter 8 :exchange place?

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Third point of view

Eun byul and Eun bi open the door and slowly walk inside the teacher office

They saw teacher Kim and their mother chatting..

"Are we getting punishment to wash the whole school toilet or eomma will never buy the limited edition mask and jelly beans"Eun bi whisper

Eun byul glare at Eun bi "don't you said that,it will bring it to bad luck know it"

Miss Song heard her child voice ..she turn around and saw the twins ..she smile and wave at them

"You two come quick ,we want to discuss something" Miss Song softly said

The twins nod and went to sit besides their mother

| Mr Kim |
Eun byul | Miss Song | Eun bi

Teacher Kim sigh "today "

Eun byul and Eun bi quickly look at Mr Kim eyes widely and shake their head ..

Mr Kim nod and rub his temple"Miss Song ,I know that we had a trauma incident for the previous school trip because of Eun byul disappeared "

Eun byul frown "school trip"

Eun bi tilt her head "so you're asking our mom about school trip,well you give me a heart attack because I think you wanna talk about today in---"

Miss Song turn to Eun bi while Eun byul cut her off "school library ! She's talking about school library incident ..just now I had knock down the new books that just arrive "

Miss Song look at Eun byul and shake her head "Eun byul -ahh , sometimes you're really clumsy aren't you"

Eun bi nod quickly and turn to Mr Kim..ignore Eun byul glare to her and use her hand to gesture him to continue

Mr Kim nod slowly "so, this weekend we will make a school trip in Jeju island for 3 days 2 night ..hope you will give your permissions for your had made a decision because our student must be tired and stress after the school test so we want to let them a holiday to relax "

Mr Kim rest his hand on his knee while look at Miss Song "I hope that you will let Eun byul and Eun bi go..I promise that they will not missing "

Miss Song turn to Eun byul and Eun bi and smile at teacher Kim "I will let them be but please promise me that you will always watching them and don't get them missing"

The twins smile and high five each other with Mr Kim ..

After they did ..they quickly hug Miss Song "gomawoyo ,eommo-nim (thank you,mother)"

"And why you didn't tell me," Seoul Eun throwing some jellybean on Eun bi

"I had told you like ?"Eun bi chuckle while packing her stuff

"Are you kidding me .."Seoul Eun put her left hand on her head and dramatically throw the Jellybean on Eun bi

"Hey don't throw it on me " Eun bi take the jellybeans that had been throw and took it in her mouth "wahh,i really like this flavour ..okay you can throw it"

Eun byul roll her eyes "aren't you know's dirty and germs and you pick it and ate it"

Eun bi shrug her shoulder

Seoul Eun sigh "alright ..alright and why do you PACKING MY STUFF !!"

Seoul Eun furrowed her eyebrows at the two of them while pointing the suitcase that they had pack for her

Eun byul sigh and get up,she sit beside Seoul Eun and take her hand "Seoul Eun -ahh ..we want to protect you from harm.. you're still young to kn--"

Seoul Eun cut her off "we're same age "

Eun bi close her suitcase and sit beside Seoul Eun "you know .. you're our youngest sister we want to protect you from harm's not like a game that you play like hide and seek is dangerous that might harm you and all of us "

Eun byul pat Seoul Eun head "we know something that will happen if we don't do nothing and be a stupid tree"

Seoul Eun quickly stand up "why these days , everyone always use the tree ..I mean stupid tree is this two words really popular to describe for everyone now..urhh"

Seoul Eun dramatically fell back on the bed..while Eun byul and Eun bi look at her confuse

Eun bi "okay Seoul Eun the next thing that we will talk to you please don't be panicked"

Seoul Eun sit back and look at the two of them confuse "what ? Am I going to see you poo "

The two of them widen their eyes and shout "NO"

Eun byul smack her arm "no,no,no,no,no ..that's not what we're talking okay ..we're talking about ..Eun bi you say it "

Eun bi look at her with annoying "why me *(she roll her eyes ) okay don't be panicked *(she take a deep breath) we had plan something that might be include you and Eun byul in it .."

Eun bi look at Eun byul amd nod at each other and take the last deep breath "Seoul Eun ..Me and Eun byul suggest you should
Go to school trip..I mean exchange place with her..."

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now