chapter 46: Yi An still hate Hae In

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Seoul Eun POV

I look down at the ground as I walk back home.

Eun bi eonnie and Tae Kwang had went back to his home..who know what they did in a big house, alone without adult in home..

I look in front of me and saw the bus station in a few meters away..

"Seoul Eun-ahh !!"

I heard someone shout my name behind me, I slowly turn around and saw Jung Hae In who is smiling toward me while waving his hand...

He ran toward me and hug me tightly, I blink my eyes and slowly wrap my arm around him..

He pull away from the hug and hold my shoulder

he look at me and smile widely "I miss you, Seoul Eun-ahh.. why won't you call me or visit me at the orphanage?"

My eyebrows frown as I slowly slide down his hands away from my shoulder "orphanage?"

"Orphanage, the kids really miss you. Especially Woo Joo, he always beg me to kidnap you just only to see you" he chuckle

Woo Joo, I had heard this name before. But where?

I look down as my tears form in my eyes and slowly slide down on my cheeks.

"Woo Joo.." I whisper and wipe my tears away, unknown by Hae In

Hae In nod his head "umm, Woo Joo. A little boy that you took care off, you always like to spent time with him than me. I'm so envy do you know that."

I look up at him as he pout "Hae In-ahh, can you guide me to the orphanage that you had said just now"

"Geu-reom-yeon" he smile and hold my hand as we walk toward the bus stop


I quickly ran out from the school building with my bag..

This can't be happen, appa will be save. He's fine, his a superhero. He will never let anything happen toward him.

I stop running and rest my palms on my knee. I look around and realize that I was near at the bus stop..

My mind was only focused on appa, I raise my hand and stop the taxi ..

I hope he will be alright and nothing happen to him ..

A taxi stop in front of me as I quickly open the door and went in...

"Ahjussi, hospital Seoul Soo.. can you please drive as quick as possible" I said as I panting and leans against the car seat..

I take a deep breath and close my eyes while thinking about my father..

Third POV

Seoul Eun leans against the bus window and look out through the window while only thinking about Woo Joo

Yi An slowly open his eyes and let a tears fell as the memories about his father flash into his mind ..

Unknowledgeable the both vehicles are stop by the red light beside each other..

They sigh and look up/down ..and they saw each other

Seoul Eun put her palm on the window bus and stare at Yi An who is slowly leaving from her side..

On the other side, Yi An open his mouth but he glance at Seoul Eun back and saw Hae In beside her..

The guy that he hate, he look at Seoul Eun one last time before the taxi start to drive..

He sigh and leans against the seat and close his eyes ..

time skip~

Seoul Eun take a deep breath and look at the kids that chasing each other with a smile tug on their face in front of her ..

She stood in front of the handmade gate that coloured with colourful and turn to look at the orphanage signboard 'Sunny'..

Hae In smile as he slowly push the gate and walk in "yedeura, your angle have come back"

Everyone turn to look at him and smile until they catch their eyes on her ..

They smile widely and ran toward her, crashing her into a group hug

Seoul Eun giggle while they saying how much they miss her ..

"Alright, I know you love me but now it's time for all of you doing your homeworks.." Hae In clap his hand and smile at them

They groan and slowly walk inside one by one..

"They really miss you until they forgot to give me hugs" Hae In sigh and shook his head

She giggle "I think so too"

They walk inside and watch the kids slowly take their books and start doing their homeworks..

Suddenly she remember about the boy name Woo Joo ..

Seoul Eun turn to look at Hae In who is standing beside her and leans against the door staring at her ..

"Ha--Hae In, do you know where Woo Joo is?" She said with a small smile

He cough in embarrassed, avoid her gaze as his cheeks slowly turn to red "I think he's in the bedroom.. let me get him"

She grab his wrist and shaking her head "no, let me get him"

"Arraseo" Hae In smile at her

............... .............. ................
Seoul Eun POV

I turn the door knob slowly and peak inside and saw a little boy who is facing his back while colouring

This is it, there's no turn back ..

I step inside and close the door quietly and turn around to see the boy look at me in shock..

"Woo Joo-ahh" I slowly walk toward him and crouch down in front of him

My eyes fill with tears as I slowly put my hand on his cheek and caressing it slowly "my little moon"

The boy slowly let the tears fell from his eyes "Seoul Eun noona"

I hug him and cried "I know you, I remember little moon"

"Noona, where did you go? I miss you, Hae In hyung said that you went to Busan and I thought that you had ran away and didn't want to come back" Woo Joo let out sobs

I let my tears fell and pull away from the hug and look at him as I cup his face "noona will never leave you, ever. Mianhaeyo Woo Joo-ahh.. I'm sorry, I shouldn't leave you"

Woo Joo sit on my lap and hug me tightly as I feel the tears that fell on my shoulder "noona, I miss you"

I hug him tightly and cried, I know him. He is my little moon, how could I forgotten about him.. how could I?

"I miss you too" I close my eyes as the tears fell


I look at my dad who is sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed ..

"Appa, you scared me to death.. why don't you tell me that you had sick" I bit my lips

I took the chair and and sit on it as I took his hand and hold it

"You know you're not dead yet.. and I'm not sick" he slowly open his eyes and turn to look at me with a smile tug on his face ..

I sigh in disbelief "appa, you know I only have you and you scare me to death..I think I'm gonna have a heart attack because of this"

"Yah, don't said that. Because of your mouth the bad luck will come" he knock my head

I rub my head and whine "appa, you know my head is not like a rock and it's hurt"

Out of the blue, I heard the door slowly open

I turn to look t it and saw it's reveal none other than Han Soo Jin

"Yi An oppa. Oh! Ahjussi" Soo Jin smile at my dad

I frown my eyebrows as I look at at her "Ahjussi?"

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