Chapter 1

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Harry is standing outside the house of his sister Gemma, with a blank expression

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Harry is standing outside the house of his sister Gemma, with a blank expression. Half of his brain wants to run away from this isolated place but the other half of him wants to press the doorbell and deal with whatever is going to happened. His eyes wander around and the only thing he can see is trees, a few houses nearby and nothing else. He sighs thinking why there is still a place's like this in UK. He forced his feet to walk towards the gate and pressed the intercom.

"Finally! I thought you're gonna stand there forever!" Gemma said. Shouting in the intercom.

"What the--how long have you been watching me?"

"From the moment you step out on the bus you twat! Get your ass inside now!"

Harry groaned, another preaching from his sister. He's been receiving a lot of that lately, just because he lost his job... Again. For just a month he already lost 2 jobs. And his sister is already done with his attitude. The door automatically open and he went inside. His sister standing in the living  area waiting for him. Both arms crossed.

Harry took a deep breath. "Can I take a rest first before your going to lecture me?"

"No. Tell me what happened?"

He sighed. "They don't like my work, my design is too much for them. That's what they said to me, and they fired me!" He vent out.

Gemma shook her head, giving him a tight lip. "No! They did not fired you because of that, they fired you because you can't follow simple rules!"

"Oh c'mon, rules?! Rules that keep you from being creative is what you mean?!"

"That's your problem Harry! If you keep doing that you will end up like this all the time!"

"I don't wanna talk about this, Gemma. I'm tired, I wanna take a shower and go to sleep." He didn't wait for her answer. And he headed to his room. He heard her calling him but he ignore her and locked the door.

He plopped himself down to his bed and took a deep breath. He grab his phone and played the music from 1D Spaces. He closed his eyes and tried to relax his brain. For just a moment, he just wants to empty his mind and don't think of anything else.

No one wants to lose a job, just like no one wants to lose a girlfriend. But not him, he lost both in 1 day. All of his friends knows about it and now they make fun of him and thinking how a loser he is. They try to cheer him up by going to a bar so he can pour his heart out, and for a moment he felt comfort, but when he went to the office that morning, he recieved a letter from his boss saying he was fired!

"Fuck! They didn't know who they fired!"

Finally he dozes off after thinking about what happened to him in just 48 hours. He woke up by a knock on the door, he reached his phone and realized he was sleeping for 3 hours now.

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