Chapter 7

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"Did you do your job?"

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"Did you do your job?"

Harry turned around. "Of course, I just done cleaning the main living area." He said, looking at him straight.

"Good. Just clean the dining and the kitchen, then you can go back to your place.."He said softly. Too soft that it sounded weak.

"Really?!"He exclaimed.

"And remind me of your phone when you've done everything.."He added and walk away.

Harry is just staring at him and can't help but to wonder what happen. He obviously not in the mood. His voice sounded he's just been defeated, but also his face proves it all. It's like he has two faces. His way to different from yesterday.

Harry followed him in the living room.

"Hey Zayn." He called out.

Zayn is about to go upstairs, but stop when he heard Harry calling him.

"You haven't eaten anything since morning. At least take your dinner tonight."

He gives him a blank look.

"It'll be very quick, just give me 10 minutes to prepare our dinner." Harry said giving him a slight smile.

He nodded and followed him in the kitchen.

"Do you have anything you want to eat tonight?" Harry ask while looking into the fridge for something to cook.

He turned his head when he didn't hear him answer.

"Anything is fine.." He simply replies. And seated at the counter still looking out.

"Alright, let me cook you a simple dish."

Harry decided to prepare a beef steak with garlic smash potato. He's doing it in a quick move while Zayn is looking at him. And within just 10 minutes, he's able to place the food infront of Zayn. He brought a glass of water and place it near his plate.

"There, eat up.." He said. And smiled widely when Zayn immediately grabs the fork and the spoon and start eating.

While Zayn is still eating, Harry decided to make tea for the two of them. After Zayn finished his food, he gives him the cup of tea.

"Drink this, it's good for digestion."

Zayn didn't say anything, but he can tell he enjoyed the food. He drinks it. After a few sips of his tea, Zayn stood up and went back to his room without saying anything to him.

Harry just shrugged it off and start washing the dishes.

"At least he eat the food I prepared.."

He went to his room pass 7 pm. He immediately took a quick shower before heading to his bed. All the cleaning, rubbing cooking and washing is draining his energy and his body just want to lay down in the bed.

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