Chapter 25

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One strong blow caused Louis to fly from the other side of the bed before flipping on the ground

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One strong blow caused Louis to fly from the other side of the bed before flipping on the ground. Veins popping in his clenching arms. Not done yet, he picks him up by the choker and lifted him 3 inches on the ground before hitting him in the gut, causing him to cough and immediately fainted. He throws him on the ground and attempt to give another strike by kicking him, but Harry immediately stops him.

Harry was so surprise when he saw Zayn in front of him. Wearing a black tuxedo looking so elegant and handsome. But his more surprise seeing him in a rage of anger like that. His clutching jaw is so visible he can almost hear his teeth grinding. When he saw Louis face covered in blood, he got alarmed and stood up right away to stop Zayn.

"Zayn stop!" He cried out in panic. "Stop your going to kill him! "

Zayn ceased right away. Harry immediately went over to Louis who's already unconscious on the ground.

"D'you really have to do this? You went too far.." His voice is full of concern when Louis didn't wake up.

"Why not? You let that man touch you like that?! If I didn't come early what do you think would happen to you?" He said. Still clenching his hands.

Harry didn't say anything. But thinking about what he said gives him cold sweat. He can't still believe Louis did this to him. They've been friends for a long long time and he never once imagine that he can do this to him.

"Stand up, I'll take you back to your apartment.." He instructed.

"What? No I came here with my friends--"

"What do you mean no? Do you still want to stay here after what happened?!" Voice vexed again, brow croaked.

Harry paused. He knew him too well. If he's like this, it means he won't say no for an answer and he's ready to make an argument.

"Alright I'll go. But I don't want to leave him like this. At least help me put him in the bed.."

Zayn sigh. "Fine." Face clearly not pleased. He went over and grabs Louis on the ground and drop him on the bed. "There, now lets go! " He then grabs his arm but he pull back.

"Wait Zayn! are you sure he'll be okay?"

"Yes! He's not dead, okay! He just fainted, he'll wake up within an hour." Zayn shouted already losing his composure. "Are you coming or you want me to drag your ass out in this room?!"

He took another quick glance of Louis before he stood up. He grab his bag and they went out in the room. His still wearing his pajamas when they went down in the elevator. Both stay quite. Standing side by side. His hugging his bag in one hand while Zayn is still holding his other hand. He's not sure if Zayn can feel his trembling hand, but he likes the feeling of their hands holding each other.

Harry was shocked when they arrived in the parking lot and saw his car. It was the black BMW that he saw the other night. Zayn open the front seat.

"Get in."

While sitting inside the car. He immediately took his phone in his bag and tried to call Liam and Niall but he couldn't go through. He texted them informing about what happened to Louis. But he didn't tell them about what Louis did to him.

When they are on the road, no one is trying to talk. Harry is still holding his bag while stealing a glance at Zayn beside him. He just noticed that he shaved his beard and had a haircut. He looks like a totally different person. His beauty stands out more because of what he is wearing. He looks so sophisticated with a hint of superiority. He almost jumps when Zayn suddenly speaks.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly. Voice already relax. And steal a quick glance at him.

Harry's face flushed right away when their eyes meet. "Y-yeah.. How did you find me?"

"Your phone.." He said with a stern face. Voice is firm. "The day you left, I knew something was not right.. You never behave like that. So when you were sleeping I secretly installed a GPS tracker on your phone.. But it took me a while to find you."

He's jaw dropped. He didn't expect that.

Zayn parked the car in an abandoned gas station. An area where not too many cars passed by. He unbuckles his seatbelt and turns his body towards him. He looked him straight in the eye.

"Why did you leave?"

Harry can't look him in the eye

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Harry can't look him in the eye. He turned in front and face the ground.

"Because I feel like I needed to leave.." He murmured. But he didn't hear him answer and just stared at him for a while.

"I told you before that I won't stop you from leaving. But I didn't mean you're going to leave just like that without saying anything, Harry.."

"I left you a letter.."

"A proper conversation is what I mean.. We are adults here, not a teenager who communicate through love letters."He said in his gentle voice. No sign of anger.

"If I do that. Will you let me go?"

"Yes.. And get you back after.."

In his swift move, Zayn leaned forward and kiss him on the lips. Harry's lips fell open bracing for the touch of his kiss.

From the moment their lips touch, he let out a moan. He can't help it since he missed it so much. His touch, his lips, the warmth of his body, everything in him. Zayn hugged him tightly. And both out of breath when their lips parted. Zayn gently stroked his head and gave him a kiss all over his face.

"Don't let other man touch you like that again.." He whispered.

They spend a few minutes in the car before Zayn start's the engine going back to Harry's place. Less than an hour later, they arrived in his place.

"So this is your place?" Zayn asked. Eyes wandering around. Both hands on his pocket. "I've been following you for 2 days. But I didn't know which one is your room."

He laughed. "So your stalking me?" He said as he stood up behind him to take off his coat and put it in a stand.

Zayn plopped in the couch. "Yeah, I'm checking my property.."

Harry frowned. He didn't get it, he turn around and saw Zayn staring at him intensely. He immediately flushed when he meant that he's the property.

"D-do you want something to drink?"

"Your tea, please." He said. Looking so relax in the couch.

He immediately went to the kitchen to prepare the tea. But he paused after a few moments, when he feel Zayns presence behind him. His back slightly brush his chest. He gulp unable to move when he felt Zayn's breath at the back of his ear. And gently whispered.

"I miss you.."

He close his eyes, breath getting heavier when he felt Zayn slowly licking his ear. He slightly tilted his head. Then Zayn grab his waist and wrapped it in his both arms pulling him closer.

But he gasp and he open his eyes when he felt his about to throw up again.

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