Chapter 10

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"What? How long are you going to stay there?!"

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"What? How long are you going to stay there?!"

"2 weeks, 3 weeks. I'm not sure yet. What must be the problem Harry? You said you're in the Manchester with Winston?"

He held back, he totally forgets that he told her about that 3 days ago.

"Why are you being edgy?"

"N-no, I was just wondering if I can go back to your place.." Harry said, voice drop. This is not the plan he wanted.

"Why is it that everything doesn't fall into place where I wanted it to be.."

"Don't worry after our tour here in Maldives, I'll come and pick you up there in Manchester, okay? Sounds cool?"

"Yeah..sounds cool.." He sighed. And both said goodbye before hanging the phone.

This really makes Harry anxious. Everything he wanted never happened, when all he want is to go back being normal. Doing all he loves, doing all his usual things. But it seems like its not gonna happened any time soon. And it all started since he meet Zayn.

He quickly turns his head towards Zayn who's standing behind him, listening to his conversation. He glared at him in his teary eyes.

"This is all your fault!!"He shouted. Tears falling from his eyes. All his feelings just exploded.

"Are you happy now that I'm looking like this?! Your heartless freak!!" He spat and weep, shoulders fell.

"You easily judge me when all I did is to fix your garden! You locked me in your house, your turn me into a maid and rape me!"

Zayn looked down as he willingly accepted all his anger that he threw at him. It's been a long time that he felt any guilt. But right now, looking at this person in front of him, sitting on the dry pavement crying his heart out, is making him guilty all over. But no matter how many times he's going to say sorry, he could never give it back of what he took away from this man. Apologising will never be enough.

Harry doesn't know how long he's been sitting on the ground. While Zayn is still standing beside him and it looks like he doesn't have any plan to leave.

"Harry, it's getting dark.. Let's go back.."

"Go back? And be your maid again?" He hiss. "I rather sleep here then go back to your house and be your slave!"

"I'm not.. You can stay in the house while you wait for your sister to come back.." He said. But Harry ignored him.

"You can't stay here, it's not safe.."

"Not safe..." Harry chuckled. "The only place that I'm safe is to be away from you.."

"I can't leave you here.." He insisted.

Harry stood up and looked at Zayn straight in the eyes. "Let's make things clear, from now on, I'm no longer in your debt. I will stay at your place while I wait for my sister. But I want you to stay away from me. At least you can do that right?!" Voice in deep and direct. But he couldn't read Zayn's expression and he only nodded at him.

They went back to the car and drove back to the house, both are not talking. But Harry looked confused when they turned to a different route.

"Why are we turning?"

"It's getting late for you to prepare dinner tonight. Let's just grab a bite before we go back."

Harry didn't argue anymore since he can feel that he's getting hungry as will. They went to the closest McDonalds. Zayn ordered Burger, Fries and a drink only. While Harry ordered almost everything. Zayn stared at him looking amused but didn't say anything. After paying the food that they ordered, they drove back in the house.

Zayn went to the dining area to eat, but when he saw Harry was also going. He went back and decided to eat in his room. Harry saw what he did but he just ignored him.

The next morning, Zayn is having another headache due to lack of sleep

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The next morning, Zayn is having another headache due to lack of sleep. This is because he didn't drink that night. After what happened yesterday, he decided not to grab a bottle of whiskey and just go to sleep. His mind  is still trying to recall exactly what happened between them in this room but everything is blurry in his memory. He took a glance at the white sheets with the stain and stared at it. Truth be told, he can go to jail for what he did to him but despite how despicable and dangerous he did, he can't help but to feel a bit proud and happy knowing he was his first. He sighs with a slight grin on his lips. He stood up and decided to put the sheets in the laundry area to have it clean.

He went to the hallway while carrying the sheets when he saw Harry downstairs poking his head against that glass door he put a double chain. By the look of it, he's trying to check the flowers inside the garden. He felt guilty while looking at him. To be honest, the garden looks totally different and he never thought it would look like that again since his wife died. He can't count how many times he's trying to demolish the glass house but for some reason, he just can't.

After putting the sheets in the laundry area, he went back to his room and grabbed the keys in the glass house and then he went downstairs. His eyes are trying to look for the other guy in the house, and reminding himself about what they've talked the other day about not going near him. He has to distance himself. When he thought that he was not close by, he went to the glass door and unlocked it. He leaves it open so he can easily see it. He went back to his room and took a shower.

Zayn wants to stay in his room for the whole day to avoid Harry  but that afternoon he forgot that he already has an empty fridge in the room. He doesn't have a choice but to go down to grab something from the kitchen. He went downstairs when he smells something that makes his stomach growl. He steps quickened, but he stop full speed when he sees Harry in the kitchen.

Their eyes met, and in a split second, both felt the circuit that seemed to run through their chest and cause to leap. Harry is the first one to look away. Zayn is standing in the door looking bemused, whether he continues to walk inside or to turn around. He decided to just go back to his room, but he heard him calling.

"I.. Ahmn.. Made a Shepherds pie.. If you'd like you can have it.." Harry said without looking at him, voice was unsure.

He was too hungry to decline the offer, so he sat on the counter waiting for the food to be served. He's trying to hide his growling stomach that seems like a party is going on inside. His almost drooling when Harry placed the hot pie in front of him, he also prepared a Creamy Tea and Chili Con Carne with Mash. Harry place the plate in front of him and starts to serve him.

"Eat slowly.." Harry said. Smirking when he saw him eating like there's no tomorrow.

Zayn can feel his face heat up. "Sorry, the food is tempting.." He said. Looking at him awkwardly.

Slowly but surely, both start to feel comfortable. But unaware of a new bond is about to form between them that is uncontrollable and unknown.

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