Chapter 23

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That evening, Louis is the one preparing their dinner

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That evening, Louis is the one preparing their dinner. And as usual Louis serves him. He always does that, that's why Niall and Liam always teases them like a couple.

He never takes it seriously, but sometimes it annoyed him. Especially if he notices that Louis loves being teased just because he won't say anything.


3 days have past since he left Bradford. And not a single day he didn't think of Zayn. But he spends most of his time with his friends. Right now he's in the cafe alone at the moment. He didn't tell them, especially Louis, he wants to be alone for a while. He brought his laptop while waiting for Winston's call.

It didn't take long for him to wait. He immediately answers it.

"Hey Hazz! Long time no see mate! "

"Yeah endeed! How have you been?"

Doing great lad! Doing great! I've been asking about you, but your friends didn't know exactly where you are!"

"I stayed with my sister in Bradford for a while but I already got your email before I got there." He explained.

"Good. Are you still open for my proposal?" He asked. Voice clearly thrilled.

"Yeah! I'll give it a go!"

"Really? Good choice lad! This is very exciting! My boss keeps on asking about any project that you can show us for our upcoming magazine for next month edition."

"I can give you some 2 or 3 example that you can select?"

"Wow! That would be great Harry! I'll tell my boss right away. By the way, it would be easy for you if you can stay here in New York as soon as possible. For the expenses that's already fixed. How about it, Harry?"

There's a long silence in his end before he can answer him.

"That's sounds good Ben. Just give me time to inform my sister first. Would that be okay, yeah?"

"Of course! No worries, just tell me anytime and I'll take care of your papers here"

Thanks a lot!"


For the whole week Harry has been busy making sample designs that he can give to Winston. He was actually given 10 days to make at least 3 Garden Flower Arrangement that they can choose to advertise in the next upcoming magazine. His friends always visit him every day, but he never complains since they give him some privacy. He stayed in his room while they're playing console in the living area or drinking and sometimes watching movies.

And right now, he is in his room doing the last sample. He's almost done, but his mind is somewhere else. And that's in Bradford. He is always thinking of Zayn whenever his alone. Sometimes, he wakes up in the middle of the night thinking about him, wondering if he ate properly. Or if he went back drinking every night again.

He really misses him so much. He misses everything in him, even when he's angry and seeing his bad sides he still loves him. And when he's in a good mood and he's all smiling it makes him happy too. Never in his life will he meet a person like him. A person who unconsciously stole his heart. A person who lost his own heart and stole his instead. Making him feel empty. He startled when he felt his tears run through his cheeks. He's been in love a lot of times, and dated a lot of girls before. But he has never been in love in this kind of level. A degree that he is willing to take risks.

He stood up and went to the door to lock it, making sure no one could see him crying. He then slowly slid his back into the wall and silently wept. Hugging his own knees.

But Zayn could never love him back. And he needs to live with that. And the only way he can break himself away from him is to move on and let him go.

The first week since he left in Bradford was the toughest

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The first week since he left in Bradford was the toughest. Not a single night that he won't think of him. But his very thankful that his friends was there to entertain him and never left he's side. He keep himself busy by accepting the offer of Ben. And right now theres another project that was given to him. The project includes his personal information. And his been working on it for a week now.


Days past and Harry didn't notice that its already been a month that he went back in London. And right now the group is planning to have a beach party. They're all excited about it except him.

He's not been feeling well since yesterday. His head is spinning and he's been vomiting twice now. Louis notices it, who's sitting beside him.

"Harry are you okay? You look pale.." He asked, eyes frowned with concern.

He gave him a weak smile. "Yeah, this is nothing. Just got an upset stomach.."

"Leave this to us Harry and get some rest." Niall said.

He didn't argue anymore since he really wanted to lay down. He nodded and stood up and went to his room. Before he could go to his bed, Loius knocked on the door and opens it.

"Harry, I'll bring some medicine that you can take in case it wont go away.."

"Thank you Lou.."

After he closed the door he immediately plopped in the bed, face down and soon he dozed off.

It's past 6 pm when he woke up and the group had already left. The house felt so quiet, he went to the kitchen to prepare dinner when he found a packed meal. He smiles when reading the small paper on the table.

"Harry, we cooked you your dinner. Get well soon.."

He drools while looking at the food and without a second thought he charges it immediately. But after a few minutes of eating he ran towards the sink and threw everything he ate.

"Fuck.. What is wrong with me.."

Harry went back in the living area and plopped in the coach. No longer has the appetite. He presses his head to do a slight massage. His head is spinning and he doesn't know why. He lay down and closes his eyes. But he groaned when he heard someone knock on the door. He looked at the time, it's already past 10 pm. He frowned. Who could it be at this hour?

He sluggishly went to the door and opens it, but didn't find anyone. He looked around, but no one's in there. Except the black BMW parked not too far from his apartment. He went back inside.
Maybe he's starting to hallucinate because of his spinning head.

That night he ended up sleeping on the coach.

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