Chapter 28

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He went to the sofa and sat down

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He went to the sofa and sat down. While Louis is seating at the single sofa beside him with a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Who's that guy, Harry?" Louis started to talk.

He's going to tell him everything now. "Remember when I told you that I saw an abandoned house in Bradford?.. He's actually the owner of that house.. And that's where we meet.." He explains.

Louis stared at him. Like his reading his mind. But he dodged his gaze as its getting awkward.

"Who is he to you? And don't tell me his just a friend. Friends don't suddenly do that.. Before I past out last night, I heard you talking. And you easily follow everything he said like a girlfriend."

"I want to be honest with you, Louis..." He took a deep breath before he carry on. "He's my boyfriend now.."

Louis give him a tight lipped response, but without a word. He saw his jaw clamping while his stare slowly become a glare. 

"For how long.."

"Since I was in Bradford.."

Louis paused for quite a while and become silence for a few minutes. He's breathing become taut by how his chest moved. But what caught his attention is how he tap the bottle of the beer in the arm of his chair.

"Louis, I would like to apologize for what he did..  But he's not a bad guy.  Just give him a chance.  I'm sure you'll--"

"Why did you pick him Harry? You barely know him.. I've been in love with you since college. But you went to that guy that you just meet 2 months ago."

"You know how I feel about you Lou.. I love you as a brother and as a friend.."

"That's not what I want!!"

He was surprise when Louis suddenly yelled at him. Eyes becoming slits. There's a moment of silence between them before Louis start to speak again.

"You got it all wrong Harry! You don't love that guy, you just got carried away. I know every inch of you, you easily misunderstood everyone who are nice to you. But you really don't love them. You always got fooled by the way they treated you!"

Harry got offended by his words. "You're not in the position to say that to me Lou. You're my friend, but you don't have to judge me like that." He said a bit pissed. " I love him and he loves me back. And I would understand if you're not willing to accept him... I won't force you.." He stood up. "That's all I have to say.. I have to go."

Harry walks towards the door. He's just a few steps away from it when Louis followed him and without a second thought, he lifted his arm with the bottle of beer and slam it hard to Harry's head. Harry drop on the floor right away, unconscious.

Harry woke up with the throbbing pain in his head

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Harry woke up with the throbbing pain in his head. He could hardly move his head down to his neck and it feels like it's about to crack.. He is lying near at the door and saw a few broken glasses nearby. He moans and try to sit up. He's holding his head while trying to lean on the wall.

His sitting on the floor still holding his head. There's a few drops of blood in his shoulder.

"You already awake.."

He immediately got alarmed when he hears Louis voice in the kitchen and saw him slowly approaching towards him. His chest is beating fast.

He bent over until their eyes are on the same level. "I hope our friendship won't change because of this, Harry.." He said with a slight grin at the corner of his lips. "Because you make me do this. This is all your fault. You know I'm always gentle when it comes to you, right? You know how I feel about you, but you are always provoking me."

"I-I never ever once tries to provoke you Lou. But what you are doing right now is a crime, you --Aahhh!! " He cry out when Louis suddenly grabs his hair and pull it up. He yanks it so tight that half of his body was lifted of the ground.

"You think I don't know what I'm doing?!" He yelled at him. Eyes become wider and blazing with anger. "I already plan on doing this once you get back from Bradford!"

Harry held his hair tight where Louis is gripping it.

"I did everything for you Harry!" He shouted. "Ever since college, I've always been following you! And when you found out that I have feelings for you, you still continue to be friends with me! Giving me that friendly gestures!" He let go of his hair and went to his neck.

Harry eyes widened in panic when Louis suddenly grabs his neck and put a force in his grasp.

"L-louis! Noo! Please your choking m-me!! "He slowly feels his breath getting tighter, he's gasping for air.

Just when he almost lost his strength, Louis let go of him. He coughs and panting for air.

Louis sighed. "I can't let you do this to me again, Harry.." He said in his straight face.

Louis' voice is too relax and it makes him more uneasy. Harry is terrified looking at Louis, he no longer knew the guy. This is not the Louis he knew anymore. He watches him stood up and went to the kitchen. After a few minutes he came back with a tape in his hand.

"Please.. Louis no, I beg you, I'm preg--" He gasped and scream when Louis grabs his hair again. But this time he drags him towards his room near the living area. The pain in his head is unbearable. His shouting and crying in pain.

When they arrived in his room. Louis slam him beside his bed. He bent over close to him and grab his arms above his head. This time he tries to fight back. He pulls his hand and try to push Louis down on the ground. They tussle each other for a minute, until Harry was able to hold him with both hands on the ground, but Louis gives him a head bang that makes him lost his consciousness.

When he woke up, he already tied up beside the bed with a tape in his both hands above his head while Louis is seating at the end of the bed staring at him.

"You really make this so hard for us, Harry." His vision is still blurry but he can tell that Louis is holding his phone in his hand.

Then suddenly he remembers what Zayn told him the other day. That he install a GPS  Tracker in his phone. He can sense a small light of hope. And hoping that Zayn can track his location. Louis move closer to him.

"Do you know what really hurts me the most, Harry?" He asked. "For being nice and sweet to me. Giving me a false hope. Thinking that you have the same feelings towards me.." He paused. Then he gently caresses his hair. "I rather choose you to be cold and mean to me. That way, I would know that you really don't like me.."

Harry felt his sincerity in his voice. "I'm sorry if you feel that way, Lou.." His voice is still weak and a bit shaking but he manages to say it to him. "I didn't mean it that way.. "

"I know.."He murmured. He slowly stood up, eyes stared at him. "That's why I won't let him have you.."He started to take off his clothes in front of him. "I rather kill you than letting him have you.."

He licks his upper lip. "Let's continue where we left off in the hotel, shall we?"

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