Chapter 18

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Flashback 2014

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Flashback 2014

It's 11 pm when they arrived back in the mansion from attending a party for another award for his Excellency. His wife still has a wide smile in her face and no trace of any worn out in her. She's busy on arranging another pair of Japanese Life Size Jar, that she personally requested from the president of there organization. The party lasted 12 hours and he's to weak and tired to join his wife in the garden. He's smiling looking at her enjoying her collection of jars. Every time he recieve an award, the president of there organization always encludes a collection of Japanese jars for his wife. He went towards her.

"Hon.. Are you not sleepy yet?"

"Nope, but you are.."She chuckles, then she grab his face and kiss him on the lips. "You go first, I have to check my garden first. "

He nodded. And he went upstairs. He opens the first door and smile watching Sasha sleeping in her Pink Mini House. He went inside and give her a pick kiss in the cheeks before closing the door.

He plopped on the bed and grab his phone and was relief that he didn't receive any emergency call at the hospital. He got dependable two substitutes to manage the hospital every time he's out. They're also his students, so he trusted their ability. However, he advises them to call him immediately if everything is too hard for them to handle. Today is a busy for them, as they attend two ceremonies and received a special award in the field of Neurosurgery and Thoracic Surgery. He can't count how many awards he received for 4 years and how many speech he created. But this year has been twice as busy since the president of their organization is about to step down and he's one of the candidates to replace his position. He's just been in the group for 3 years. A group for elite doctors like him.

The next morning, as usual, Perrie is the one who prepared his breakfast instead the maid's. And exactly 7:30am, he's already at the hospital. His secretary greeted him.

"Good morning Dr. Malik."

"Morning.. Anything for me today?" He asked. As he continues walking towards his office.

"No emergencies for today Sir, everything is been manage perfectly by Dr. Shane and Dr. Dreston. The new secretary for the operation department already arrived yesterday. I give him some tour in the building and a short instructions and briefing. And Mrs. Taylor send you a banquet of roses, as a thank you for the successful operation of her husband. So far thats the only thing I got in my report.."

He smiled. "Tell her thank you for the roses and remind her about the follow up check up for his husband." He went inside his office and put on his white jacket when he notice his secretary is still standing looking a bit uneasy.

"What is it..?" He asked.

"Ahmn..It's Mr. Phillip sir. He came back again last night and his been harassing one of our guards and nurses.. "

He took a deep breath. "What has he done this time?"

"As usual sir, yelling and throwing anything he can grab disturbing our customers... Sir, I think it would be better if we won't let him in anymore? I know he's your client before--but after what happened, he's no longer the same guy that you knew and he's been a trouble to us now.." She said. Voice is full of concerned.

He stalled. He doesn't want to come to this, but she is right. He can't let him do this to his people, especially their clients.

"Alright, informed all the guards, including the one in the parking lot that he's no longer allow to enter in this building."

She smile in relief. " Yes sir! " as she exited the room.

He sighs when the door closed and plopped into his chair. He tried to remember the last time they have a good conversation with Mr. Phillip. Actually, he's not his client, but he visited his building twice a month to have his monthly check up with Dr. Corazon. But they have a lot in common, so they got along instantly.

And he found out that he doesn't have any family aside from his 7 year old daughter

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And he found out that he doesn't have any family aside from his 7 year old daughter. His wife died giving birth to his daughter and also due to her heart complications. But the man is full of life and you can't sense any sadness in him. Every time he visits him, he always brings him something to eat and they'll have a good chat in his office. And he always brags how good his daughter in drawings and in her class. Every time he talks like that he can't help but to smile. He is very proud of her child and a good father. He can still remember when he told him one day....

"My daughter is the only one I got.. She's my everything.."

And then a tragic happened that change everything...


Then one day, his daughter becomes a victim of a stray bullet. And she was hit in her right chest. He was not there when Mr. Philipps daughter was rushed in his building. But he knew what kind of pain and terrified he might be experiencing that day. Dr. Shane and Dr. Dreston immediately put the child in ICU. But Mr. Philipp refuses and insist to let him do the operation. He won't let the other doctor's touch his daughter. People try to talk to him and let him understand that his daughter needs an operation right away. But he went hysterical and he won't listen to anyone anymore.

That is the time he was called. When he recieves the message he immediately drive to the hospital. He can still remember he almost let his car fly that day. But he arrived at the hospital 15 minutes. Which is already long enough. In situation like this, every second is crucial.

When he arrived and check the child, she already lost a lot of blood and her blood pressure is been dropping down. It was the heart wreaking and hardest operation he experience, not just because he knew the client's father, but the situation of the girl is so critical and she's already very weak. Everyone in the room is working around the clock that time.

"Check her vital, and make sure her oxygen wont go down. Monitor her blood pressure and prepared for blood transfusion in case her body will go in shock! "

But the body of the young girl no longer recognize and won't respond to anything they inject. And slowly everything in her system collapse. And soon she went into coma. The last options was to do blood transfusion, but her body didn't accept it very well due to weakness of her system and the blood they put went out to her nose, mouth and ears.. Soon she went cardiac arrest.

The operation went 4 hours after they give up.

The hardest part of his job is when the operation didn't go as his plan and letting his clients' family knows the result of the operation. And that's actually what happened  to him that day when he told Mr. Philipp. That is the part that he'll never get used to it.

That was 2 month's ago...

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