Chapter 26

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Harry knew that Zayn is in the mood

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Harry knew that Zayn is in the mood. He felt his hard on in his back. But right now he needs to run in the sink to throw up. He unwrapped zayn arms in his body while covering his mouth. He doesn't want Zayn to see him like this. But he can't control it.

"Harry?" Zayn asked when he saw him running towards the sink and vomits. "Are you okay?"

Zayn went towards him and rub his back while his bending in the sink. After a few minutes, he cleans himself.

" I'm so sorry, Zayn. I don't want you to see me like this.." He said while facing the ground.

Zayn smiles. "There's nothing for you to say sorry, Harry. But are you okay?" He asked and took his handkerchief in his pocket and give it to him.

"I really don't know.."

"Maybe you have an upset stomach? Did you eat something bad this morning?"

"No I don't think so.. It's been like this for a week now.." He said in his weak voice.

"A week?" His eyes widened. "And you didn't try to go to the hospital?" He said voice is now concerned.

"I plan to go tomorrow.." He said. And grab a glass of water.

"That's no longer necessary, I'm here. let me examine you. " He said. He grab his arm and guide him in the sofa. And started to asked him questions.

"Have you experienced any flu or cold prior to your vomiting? Pain in your chest or any part of your back?"


"Aside from vomiting, is there any other thing that you are experiencing?"

"Actually there is a few.." he said. "I feel dizzy sometimes especially in the morning and when it comes to food, I've been picky which is new to me. I never been like that before, I eat whatever I want. And I also notice something wrong in my sense of smell, I'm not sure.. But lately theirs a particular smell that it really makes me puke, like I really really hate it to the point I wear a mask every time I go out and also--" He paused when he saw Zayn turn pale like he just saw a ghost. Staring at him completely shock.

"Zayn what's wrong? Did I say something?" He asked. He saw him blink and acting like he's going to say something, but decided not to and instead he stood up still in a state of shock.

"Where is the closest pharmacy here?" Out of the blue he asked him.

Harry is confused for his question. "Why you ask that?" He frowned. A bit disturbed now.

"I just want to confirm something.."

"Confirm what? What's going on Zayn your scaring me.."

"There's nothing wrong with you, trust me.. But I want to confirm it first before I'll tell you.." He said and lean over to give him a quick kiss. "Wait for me here.."

Zayn went out, leaving him still confuse.


Harry went to the front door immediately when he heard Zayn arrived. He's a bit jumpy to know what's going on. But he was tongue tied for a moment when Zayn gave him the plastic bag he brought and saw what's inside.

"Pregnancy test?!" Harry shouted. "Is this some kind of your weird jokes, Zayn?"

"No, not even close." He said in his straight face. "There are 5 kits in there, I want you to use them all. Where is your bathroom?" Voice is anxious.

"No--wait! Are you serious about this?!"

Zayn is silently in panic. But his trying to control not to lose his cool in front of Harry which is already getting tense. He didn't want to jump to conclusion and then have a false alarm at the end.

"Look, I may be a Doctor, but I'm a surgeon not a obstetrician, so this is not my expertise. However, as a doctor we are trained of any type of basic medical condition. And your condition right now is the same as a person who's pregnant. And for us to confirm that, is to do a pregnancy test." He explained. Trying to make him relax by making him understand his situation.

Harry is no longer in shock but still confused. He plopped on the sofa facepalm. Zayn can feel his nervousness and he knows he's scared.

He's scared too but at the same time excited.. His scared of what could be the result. He walks towards him and kneels in front. And slowly stroking his head.

"Hey.. Babe.. Look at me.." He said whispering in his ear.

Harry slowly looked at him, removing his hand in his face. "I'm scared, Zayn..what if.."

"There is nothing fo you to be scared. Whatever is going to be the result, I'm here for you.." He said and give him a quick kiss to ease his tension.

Zayn can't stop pacing in the living area, shaking his hand in the air while waiting for Harry in the bathroom

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Zayn can't stop pacing in the living area, shaking his hand in the air while waiting for Harry in the bathroom. He was there 5 minutes ago. He is very nervous and the feeling is the same when Perrie told him she's pregnant with Sasha. But if ever Harry is really pregnant with him, he will make sure to be ten times a better father for the child.

This will be his second chance to have a family. He will never let this go. He'll protect this family, even if it kills him. He'll bring them to Bradford back and they'll live there.

He almost jumps when he heard Harry called him in the bathroom. He immediately runs to open it. He gasp when he saw the kit line up at the counter. He slowly step in.

He can't explain what he felt when he saw the 2 lines in each kit. The word  Happiness is not even enough to explain what he feels.

Harry is standing near the door still can't believe that his pregnant and carrying a child. His frozen stiff standing beside Zayn, he can't read his expression in his face but his staring at it.  Then suddenly he turn around and hug him so tight and kiss him deeply.

"Zayn wait.. Your okay with this? that I'm pregnant..?" He asked. Earlier, he was thinking that Zayn won't accept this and he'll deny him.

"Of course! This is a great news Harry. We'll be a parent soon! "He exclaimed smiling from ear to ear.

Hearing those words is still new to him but everything is slowly sinking in. A small grin in his face turn in to a smile and he hug him back. His still astounded of what they discover. But as long Zayn is with him everything will be all right.


Note: Mature content ahead. Please be guided. Not recommend for young readers.

I would like to apologize if I give the bad character to Louis, I just want to try new things and do some experiments. 😅 but in reality, I love all the boys.  😉💕

More bad Louis ahead.

Thank you again for reading! 💙💛💚

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