Chapter 9

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Harry woke up and felt the pain in every inch of his body, especially that part

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Harry woke up and felt the pain in every inch of his body, especially that part. Zayn is still sleeping beside him, he slowly stood up and tried to walk but from the moment he took one step, he squaled in pain and he almost fell down on the floor. His both legs are still shaking. He stood up and grabbed the sheets in the bed and wrapped it in his naked body as he walked towards the door, staggering in each steps. It took him a few minutes to reach the stairs as he needed to pause from time to time. His holding the handrail of the stairs like his life depends on it while going down. He sniffled, trying to control his tears not to fall. He took a deep breath and continued walking towards his room.


Zayn opened his eyes and slowly stood up but he immediately went back in the bed when he felt his head is about to explode in pain. He squeezed his head as he moaned. He tried to remember what happened last night.  He sighs as he tries to sit in the bed. The last thing he remember is he grabbed another whiskey bottle in his room after a bad argument with the curly hair guy. But he paused when he notice that he was naked.

"What happened.. Why am I naked..??"

He thought looking so confused. But his eyes widened when he saw a red stained in the bed. He immediately stood up and step away from the bed. He can obviously tell that it is blood.

He looked around and saw his clothes on the ground and another man's clothes, he gasped when it looks familiar to him. Anyone can tell that someone just had sex in the room. His heart beat so fast.

"But there's only 2 people in the house!"

"Did I..shiitt..It's not possible!" He exclaimed. He cant remember a thing. He was so drunk last night everything  is so blurry.

He immediately wore his clothes and went downstairs. He saw a few drops of blood in the hallway.

"Fuck! This is not good!"

He ran down and walk towards Harry's room. The door was not close and it's slightly open. He can hear the shower was turned on.

"Harry?" He called. For the first time he addressed him by his name.

No response, he slowly pushes the door open. He went to the bathroom and saw Harry on the floor, no clothes, all wet and trying to get up.

"Harry.." He uttered. He immediately tries to help him, but he slaps his hands away from him.

"Don't touch me.."

''Let me help you get up--"

"I said don't fucking touch me!" He spat.

Zayn doesn't have a choice but to step aside. He watches him trying to get up, unfortunately Harry feels numb in his lower back and he slides down on the ground.

"Fuck.. " Harry muttered. In his entire life, he never been felt so weak like this. He's always been optimistic, but it seems like it didn't work this time.

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