Chapter 12 (Mature+)

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"Zayn open up, please.. I know you're in there.."

He called in. To be honest, he's not too sure on how to confront him. All he wants to know is what's on his mind when he did that.

What happened before is worse than this, but Zayn was drunk that time and half asleep. It's different of what happened earlier.

He tries to knock again, but no answer. He decided to turn the doorknob and push it open. The room is totally pitch black, not a single light can be seen. He went inside.

"Zayn are you in here?"

The terrace is wide open, he steps in and saw him in the dark side sitting on the single bench. His holding a can of beer while the other hand is holding a cigarette. The small round table beside him is full of empty cans and the ash-tray is already bursting with cigarette butts. There's more than 20 can of beers in there not included the one's in the kitchen.

"Oh my god, how long have you been drinking?" He asked. But Zayn didn't respond or look at him.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?!"

"What are you doing here.. Stay away from me.. "

He heard him murmured.

"No you have to stop this Zayn! You're going to kill yourself!" He ignored him since he was more focused on those beers his drinking.

"Did you hear what I said?"

He glowered at him while clenching his jaw. He went back from his old self again. Like the first time he saw him. He gasped.

"No!" He shouted. He walked towards him and yank the beer in his hand.

Zayn immediately stood up and grab the coller of his shirt. He groaned in pain when he feel his tight grip on his skin.

"Do you want me to drag your ass again, huh?!" Eyes are in flame with anger.

Zayn tossed him on the floor. His shaking, but he stood up slowly.

"Why do you hate me so much.." Voice is quivering. "What did I ever do to you?"

"Get the fuck out!!"

Harry manage to look him in the eye with anger. "You're the one who offered me to come back here!" He shouted back. He already had enough. "If someone should be pissed right now, that should be me! I'm the one who got molested by you!"

He saw him clenching his hands. "That's the reason why I want you to stay away from me! I'm losing my control everytime I'm near you!"

Harry was astounded. Clearly he didn't expect that.

"What did you say..?"

"Don't make me say it again--just get out of my room, now!" He demanded pointing at the door.

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