Chapter 15 (Mature+)

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He didn't know what got into him. But here he goes again, draining all his control. He pulls him and he landed on his lap. He squeezes his waist and kiss him on the lips. He slipped his tongue inside and suck it deep, making him moan. He can't get enough of his lips, it's like his sipping the sweetest bud every time he kissed him. Harry pushed him and they're both panting hastily.

"What's with you all of a sudden..'' Harry asked under his breath.

He tries to stand up but he pulled him back in his lap. "Just stay put, don't move.." He said softly.

"I have a chair, Zayn. I don't need to set on your lap. And why do I have to set like this?" Harry asked lifted his brow in question.

He sighs. "Why do you always ask a lot of question.."Voice in rasped. Looking down at his lips unhurriedly.

He slowly moves his hands in Harry's neck stroking it the back of his neck..down to his backbone.. He slips his hands inside his shirt for direct contact on his skin.. The gentle warmth of his hands stroking Harry's skin gives a shiver in his spine as he can't help but closes his eyes and bite his lips to feel his seductive hands caressing, teasing him. Harry's breaths get heavier.

Zayn staring straight in his face getting aroused slowly by his reaction when he touches him. He gulped and licked his own lips and tried to use his other hand to stroke Harry's thighs. He wants to see more of it. He heard him moan. He slowly went up..up..up until he reached the zipper in his jeans. Harry bites his lower lip. He was about to unzip it when Harry suddenly stood up, panting while covering his bulge, standing in front of him unable to look him in the eye and a bit embarrassed. He grinned when he saw how aroused he was.

He didn't move in his chair and was enjoying looking at him like a kid who's about to cry.

"Come back here.." He murmured with authority in his tune.

Harry shook his head and quickly walked towards the door. Zayn immediately stood up and followed him behind, when he reached him, he pushed him on the wall.

"Zayn please..not like this.."

"And why not..." He whispers in his ear. He pushes him more behind on the wall. "Have you tried to have a rough sex before.. "

"Excuse me! I'm a passionate man when it comes to bed!" He replied, face heated up. He tries to lean forward to push his body away from him. But he grabble his hard on from the back. His cheeks press on the wall.

"Sounds boring.." He said with a tight lipped grin.

Zayn turned him around to face him and immediately locking his lips to his. They kiss so intensely, that Harry needs to wrap his arms around him as he can feel his knee's turning to jelly, his head is spinning and he can't stop but to moan in Zayns mouth.

He gasped when Zayn let go of him. But he was startled when he suddenly grabs his thigh and lifted him up on the ground.

"Zayn p-put me down! "

He laid him on the grass near his young sunflowers that hasn't full-grown yet. It's 2pm in the afternoon and everything is so bright. But laying there with the beautiful view coming from various types of flowers around them is making him more horny and the man lying in front of him looking so flawless is making it perfect. He took his shirt off and kiss him again.

"Z-zayn wait.. "Harry murmured. Trying to get his attention. But his to engulfed at him kissing his shoulder blade. He took his shirt and suck his sensitive nipples.

"Z-zayn the flowers.. Will ruin them if--ohh.."He uttered when Zayns hands slip inside his jeans. Stroking him so gently. He bite his lower lip. It feels so good it leaves him jaw drop.

But he saw one of his flowers was folded when zayn accidentally kick it.

"No! Zayn please.. Will you listen to me..?" He sought. While trying to pull his arms inside his jeans.

"No, I'm busy.." He murmured. Then he stood up and unblocked Harry's jeans. He yanks it down until it was removed completely.

"Wait, my sunflower will be ruin if we stay here.." He said.

Zayn paused and give him a ridiculous smirk.

"Don't worry, I'll be very extra careful not to damage your sunflower.." Then his eyes went to his fully erect cock.

Harry's eyes widened when he gets what he means.

"No that's not--ahhh " He shouted when Zayn parted his legs and pull it up and place it in his shoulder.

"No that's not--ahhh " He shouted when Zayn parted his legs and pull it up and place it in his shoulder

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"Hold still, cuz I'm about to water your sunflower.." He grins staring at him.

He heard him unbuckle his own jeans. He can't see it in his spot since his own legs is covering his lower body.

He bit his lips when he feels his entrance, he's still not used to his thickness, there still pain but not the same as the first time. He slides it in full. Then he started to move very gently.

Harry realizes he's saying the truth, he's doing it very slowly...too gently that it's agonizing. He can't stop, but to shake his head in desperation.

Zayn watching him and grinning uncontrollably enjoying his misery. But he got the surprise when Harry moves his hips, joining his movements. His rocking his hips. Then he teases him by suddenly not moving, he holds his breath not to giggle and wait for his reaction.

Harry immediately tilted his head to look at him. Eyes in question. But when he saw Zayn grinning face, he realizes he's actually teasing him. And that really pissed him off. He grabs his shirt close to his hand and toss it in Zayns face.

"Childish twat!" Harry spat.

Zayn laughed. "So you think I'm a child now, huh? " He teased. He's holding Harrys thighs tightly before he shove it deeper. Then withdrawing it just inch away and thrust it back. Harry moans arching his head on the ground.

Then Zayn suddenly moves at full speed. This time both are breathless. Zayn clenches his jaw while Harry is biting his lips. Until they reach the high point.

Zayn plopped down beside him. Both catching their own breath.

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