Chapter 22

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If you're reading this letter, that means I already left. Please forgive me if I don't have the courage to tell you about this. I'm not that strong to face you and tell you that I'm leaving. I just want you to know that I have never tried to control you and my intention is purely to help you. You're a good man, Zayn. And knowing you is like a blessing for me.

I hope someday you will have the strength to step forward and enjoy the life that was given to you. You have a gift, Zayn and that is to save lives. It's your passion, you should continue doing that. Don't stick yourself in the past, sometimes the past is a lesson that we need to learn and pain can make us stronger. I didn't say that you have to forget your past, thats not what I mean. I may not know your family, but I know that they don't want to see you like this. The people that love you wants you to be happy and so do I. And that is the reason why I left.

I want you to be happy because I love you, Zayn..

I didn't mean to fall for you. I know you could never love me back. And I understand that. It's okay. I'm not asking anything in return. But you will always be in my thoughts and in my prayers, my love.. And will always be my first and last man in my heart..



When Harry arrived in London, he immediately saw Louis. They hugged each other.

"Harry, it's been a while!"

"Lou! "

"It's been like what--almost 2 months right?" Louis exclaimed in joy. And stared at him for a while. "Wow.. You look.." His eyes tracing him from head to toe. " You look.. Different!"

He laugh. "I'll take that as a complement!"

"I mean you always look gorgeous to me! But theres something different about you. What have you been doing for 2 months?" He asked with a wide smile in his face.

"Will talk about that later when we got to my place. "

"Yeah right, of course!" Then he took Harrys bag. " Let me carry that for you.."

Harry didn't resist and let him carry his bag and they went to his car, parked outside going to his apartment.

Harry can't help but to smile when they arrived at his apartment. He misses his place. He spends a lot in his time here when he still has a job before. This where he creates his new design every time his alone.

And most of the time his friends come over and visit him. Disturbing his peace and mess up everthing in the house. Doing party without his permission. Bringing wine, beers and girls. They are all heavy drinkers.

"So have you already talked to Winston, Harry?" Louis asks as he plopped on the couch and turning the TV like his own the place.

"Yeah, I think that was a month ago. I already told my sister about it and she wants me to accept it.." He said. He open his fridge and snarl when he found it empty.

Louis looked at him. "Wanna do some groceries?" his smirk.

"That would be a great idea." He paused for a moment when he remembers something. But he quickly shooke his head.

"Okay, let's go! "

He really appreciates Louis presence that day, because he didn't leave him and stayed with him for the whole day. They brought a lot of food and beers and they drink the whole afternoon in his apartment while waiting for Liam and Niall. This is good for him so he can forget that man easily. He wants to leave behind everything what he had with him and move on with his life. It would be hard, but as long he's with his friends, he will be okay.

He has also planned to talk to Winston first thing in the morning

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He has also planned to talk to Winston first thing in the morning.

"So Harry, what have you been up to in your sister's place?" Louis asked. Both sets on the terrace with beers in their hands.

Harry sighed. He's really hoping that Louis won't ask about it anymore. Lying is really not his thing. And he sucks telling it to someone face to face especially Louis. Louis has this incredible lie detector in his brain that automatically turn on when it comes to him.

He clear his throat. "Not much really.. But her place is awesome. If you're a nature lover, then that place will be perfect for you. I can't even describe it how beautiful the place is.." He said. Without looking at him.

There's a short awkward silence before Louis ask again.

"And? What about this garden that you've been telling us about?"

"Ah y-yeah! That.. will--it turn out that someone really own the place.." He paused and gulped. "But the owner forgives me, so the next day I stop coming."

Louis is about to ask another question when the door rings. Harry immediately stood up and walk towards the door.

"Save by the bell!" He thought.

When he open the door, it was Niall and Liam.


He smiled widely as they exclaimed both. "Guys! I miss the both of you!"

They went inside and Louis offer them a can of beer each.

"This cause for a celebration!" Niall shouted.

"Yeah! We're complete again!" Liam answered.

Harry laughed. But he agreed. "I don't see why not!"

"What are we waiting for?!" Louis said smiling widely. "Niall, you know what to do. Call everyone, especially the girls. Liam, you're in charge of the drinks and the snack! And for the entertainment, leave that to us!" Louis gives the order and all of them agreed.


As what they plan, they have a party the whole day. Drinks are unlimited and girls are everywhere. He miss this and it would be a lie if he would say he didn't enjoy it. Everyone is dancing with the loud music and he was standing on top of the table with two girls banging their heads. This is also one way he can forget everything with that man. He let all his emotion go.

The party ended 3 am in the morning. And his plan to call Winston didn't happen. He woke up past 1 pm in the afternoon. And spend his 30 minutes throwing up in his bathroom. It's been a while that he hasn't been drinking like that. And his 3 buddies stayed in his apartment the whole day. Spending their time talking silly things, cracking jokes, sometimes problems that each of them shares some advices. Harry misses their bondings, they're like his brothers. They're so close that they share almost everything. Except for him.

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