Chapter 24

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Next morning, his friends bought him some medicine and fruits, but what caught his attention is the banana

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Next morning, his friends bought him some medicine and fruits, but what caught his attention is the banana. He went and grab it and eat it right away after peeling it. He took another one, while his mouth is still full. They laugh looking at him.

"Take it easy, Harry. No one's going to eat it but you!" Liam said.

"I didn't know you loved banana." Louis smiles at him.

"Me neither." He said.

"Hey guys." Naill interrupted. "Have you noticed this person downstairs? He's been wandering around in the hallway, like he's looking for something. But he looks like he came from the upper class."

"Yeah, I noticed him too yesterday. Do you think he's looking for a room?" He turn around to ask him. "Harry, do you still have available rooms here? " Liam asked.

"I really don't know.." He answered. Biting his 4th banana. "Where did you buy these guys?" he asked. Waving the skin of the banana at them. Not giving a much attention of what they're talking about.

All eyes on Harry. Wondering what got into him and why he's acting so weird.

Louis is the one who answers him. "Downstairs just a few blocks away from here.." He explains. Looking so amused.

He stood up and went to his room. He grab his wallet and try to step out.

"Oi Harry where are you going?"

"I'll buy some more bananas.."

"Are you sure your okay, mate?"

He laughed. Everyone is asking like he's crazy. "Guys, I'm fine okay! What could've been wrong for a person who loves to eat banana." His smile and went downstairs.

When he reaches downstairs, he saw the same car last night. But it's already parked near his building of his apartment. The black BMW stands out in the area. He wonders if someone really looking for a place. But the owner of this car must belong in a high class status.

"But why would a person looking for a place in here when he can afford a Hotel?"


His condition is getting worse as the day passes. And for the first time, he's been picky with food. He still throws up once or twice a day, especially if he smells a strong perfume nearby. It went to the point that he needed to wear a mask every time he goes out. It gets all his energy sometimes and he doesn't have a choice but to lay down in the bed.

Right now, he's preparing his things and it's about to go out when he feels another hurling sensation in his stomach. He quickly ran in the sink holding his mouth. After a few minutes of puking in the bathroom, he went out totally burned out. He went outside carrying his bag where the group was waiting for him downstairs. They're going to have a party on the beach that day and they're going to spend it for 3 days on the beach. To be honest he really doesn't want to go because he doesn't feel good. He would rather stay in his bed. But his friends have been planning this for a week.

When they got there, drinks were everywhere. The place is like paradise and the girls make it more satisfying. The loud music and the people dancing in the white sand makes everything entertaining. Unfortunately, he's not in the mood to join, due to his condition. He's in the lobby of the hotel watching the party downstairs. He is holding his pineapple juice in his hand watching people around dancing wildly with the lights dancing in the air.

He is alone in the lobby while Niall, Liam and Louis are attending the party. If he hasn't been feeling sick, may be he's already enjoying the party by now. He sighed. He turned around and decided to go into his room and just go to sleep. After this party, his planning to go to the hospital to get some proper check up.

It's in the middle of the night when Harry felt something brushing his hair

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It's in the middle of the night when Harry felt something brushing his hair. It's so gentle that it's relaxing. The hand slowly went down to his nick and his shoulder blade and slowly caressed it in a provocative way. The heat of the hands gave him a shiver in his entire body. Then slowly it went to his legs going up to his thighs. The touch of the hands is gentle but the sensation is not the same as what Zayn provides. Everything is different. The hands that are touching him right now don't feel anything like him. He frowned and immediately opened his eyes and came back to his senses. The room is dark but the face in front of him is too clear in his vision. Sitting close to him.


"Lou what's going--" He gasped when Louis suddenly covered his mouth pushing his head against the pillow. He push his hands away from his mouth but he suddenly grips it hard in his face. He can feel his fingers press deep in his skin. Louis is obviously drunk, just by the color of his face but this is the first time that he saw him like that. He got scared, the situation is too familiar with him. He shove him when Lou attempts to bend over to kiss him.

He tries to stand up but he plunge him back in the bed. "Louis! Stop! What are you doing?!"

"Let me touch you hazz.. I've been dying to do this to you.."

He kissed him on the lips. He immediately feels goosebumps everywhere in his body. His tongue tries to press inside pushing his lips to his. He wants to cry, he doesn't like it at all! Everything feels disgusting! He put all his strength to push his body away from him. But Louis grabbed both his hands and held it tight.

The situation is familiar when Zayn did this to him before. But it's not the same. The kiss, the touch, the warmth of his body makes him weak all over and everything feels good. And when Zayn kissed him, it felt like he was floating and his heart beat fast. When Zayn hugged him underneath the sheets he felt safe and loved.

But louis kiss is nothing like that! All he can feel is disgust! He starts to have extreme cold creeps when his hands slips inside his shirt caressing his chest.


Then he heard heavy foot steps, someone entered the room.

"Get your filthy hands off of him!"

Both of them stop. He immediately open his eyes and the first thing he sees is a solid hand fist flying straight to Louis face.

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