Chapter 14

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Harry is taking a shower, still feeling a bit embarrassed about his reaction earlier when Zayn invited him to go with him in the groceries

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Harry is taking a shower, still feeling a bit embarrassed about his reaction earlier when Zayn invited him to go with him in the groceries.

"'s find if you don't want to--"

"I'll go I want to go!" He exclaimed as he stood up in his chair. Eyes widened. But was surprised when he almost heard Zayn 'Pfft'.

He dried his hair and went out into the bathroom. After getting dressed, he went straight to the living area where Zayn is already waiting for him. He gasps when he sees him in his tattered black jeans and a cotton white V-cut shirt, he looks totally gorgeous in that simple bad boy look. There's nothing special in his attire, but it looks different when he wears it.

Harry felt so nervous, for the first time they're going out together. He can't stop grinning while they're in the car. From time to time he steals a glance at Zayn but can't tell what's in his mind, he has this amazing way of not putting a good expression in his face. He shrugged it off, as if he is not used to it yet. He broke the silence first.

"By the way, I wrote the things that we need in the house.."

"No need for that, you can pick whichever you want.." He said in his straight face, not looking at him. One hand in the wheels.

Harry was surprised when it only took less 10 minutes drive to reach the small groceries in the town. Then he just remembered when Zayn brought him those clothes and underwear.

"I guess this is where he brought it.."

Zayn grab his Corduroy Faux Jacket that adds to his bad image. Harry can't help but be amazed how it looks good in him. Inside the building is just a plain groceries but it has everything they needed.

Harry is the one holding the cart, while Zayn is behind him. His holding the list and picking the things that they need the most. He turn around to check Zayn, who's looking so bored. Both hands in his pocket.

After an hour of picking and walking, he finally told Zayn that he got everything. He almost laughed when he saw the relief face in him. Like a kid who's been following his mom for an hour. When Zayn is about to pay the groceries, he stumbles across the liquor section close to the counter. He grabbed one of the bottle but when he saw him looking, he paused for a bit, and slowly put back  the bottle down.


When they arrived in the mansion, Harry went straight in the kitchen, putting all the food they brought. Zayn is following him behind. He sat at the counter looking at him busy unpacking the staff in the bag. No plan on helping him. But instead of getting pissed, he actually liked it. He took quick glance at him, but he blushed when Zayn was actually staring at him and their eyes met.

"I'll make a tea later, do you want some?" He asked. Trying to break off the silence and his awkwardness. But Zayn seems won't take part of it and would just answer him in a short replies.

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