Chapter 19

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That afternoon, he went to St

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That afternoon, he went to St. Luke Hospital for a client who needed an operation of a heart transplant. It took 8 hours for the operation to complete. He went back in the hospital past 7 pm. When suddenly his secretary is running towards him.

"Dr. Malik! I've been calling you, but I can't seem to go through. Have you read my text?"she asked face in great panic.

"No i didn't, why? What's going on?"He frowned. "Is it an emergency?"

"No! No! It's about Mr. Philipp sir--"

"And what about him? Did I  already told you not to let him in? " He frowned.

"Yes.. But he meet Tony, your new secretary. He's the one who told me about it and he doesn't know anything about him.. He said he saw Mr. Philipp outside the premises and thought that his your close friend.. Because the way he talk, seems like he know's a lot about you.."She explain while catching her breath.

"And? Will you just go straight to the point?! I don't--"

"He accidentally provide your address.. He thought his one of your relatives! He knows your house address!"


"Sir, I don't know.. But I also saw him this afternoon and.." She paused. "He looked disoriented, he looks different.."

"Get my car. "He said, voice stiff.

While on the road. He can't stop calling his wife but he can't go through. He tries to call his house number but no one is picking up the phone. Panic strike in him. There's no way he'll go that far to hurt his family. Ever since his daughter died, he blamed him for her death. Saying that if only he was there on time, he could've saved her.

In less than 15 minutes he already arrived in the house. He saw a car parked at the front of the house. He felt cold shivers at the back of his head. His heart beat so fast while entering his house. When he opens the door, everything is so silent, and it was the first time. His daughter didn't greet him. And from that point, he knew something was not right.

"Sasha! Perrie!" His voice echoed throughout the house.

He heard his daughter calling him in the garden. He immediately ran towards the glass house. And what he saw almost knocked him out. In that moment, his world stops. There, on the ground, the 2 bodies of their maids with gunshots in their chest. And beside them, is the lifeless body of his wife...face is on the ground, but her white dress has turned red due to her own blood. By the look of it and the color of the blood, she's been shot twice. And just a few steps away from her, is Mr. Philipp, standing holding a gun while the other hand is wrapped in his daughter's  neck.

He plopped on the ground when he saw his daughter crying, eyes swollen for crying too long. He feels like his heart was torn to peices, he can't hardly breathe. His vision is getting blurry, his tears fall without him knowing. Fear is all over in his face..

"P-please.. I beg you.. Don't hurt her.." voice quivers. He could hardly speak. He looked at Mr. Philipp in the eyes begging for the life of his daughter. But he no longer recognized the old man. He looks different, eyes bloodshot, emotionless, a person who is no longer in his right mind.

"It's your fault! My daughter died because of you!"

"I didn't kill your child, Mr. Philipp.. Please let her go.. She got nothing to do with this!"

"I trusted you! I believe in you! You save a lot of people, why can't you save her?! When you knew, she's the only one I got..

"God knows I  tried my best to save her! Please don't do this, she's innocent.."

"You could've done more for her!"

"Mr. Philipp, I may be good at my job.  But I can't do miracles, I'm not God! I have my limitations!" He burst out crying looking at his child choking by his grasp. "Please I  beg you, your hurting my little girl.."

"No.. I will let you taste the pain that I've been through.. Losing the most important person in your life.. The loneliness, the misery. I will let you experience them all!! " He shouted while yanking the head of his daughter and shove the gun in her head.

"Daddy!! "

"NNOO !!"


The lifeless of his little girl body's drop on the floor drenched by her own blood.


Another body drop on the ground. Mr. Philipp ended his own life that night..

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