Chapter 32 End

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Fast forward

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Fast forward

Harry give birth to a healthy girl on 28th of September, around 3:25 in the morning. Zayn is the one who choose a name for their baby, and he name her Hannah. And all of their friends and family are there to celebrate it with them. After he was release in the hospital, Zayn held a party in the mansion. It's the first time he organized a party in the house. Everyone is there. Loud music, foods and drinks are everywhere.

Liam and Niall is actually the best dancers when it comes to party so its no longer new to him that they're dancing on top of the table shirtless while all the girls can't stop screaming.

While Harry is having fun watching everyone. Even Gemma is dancing while holding a tequila in his hand.

His holding the baby while he still in a wheelchair. And one of the maid's is standing behind him in case he'll be needing any assistance. Zayn hired four maids in the house to take care of everything.

For the meantime, his staying at his room in the hallway since he can't walk that long yet.

Past 10 pm. He decided to go to bed and take a rest early. The maid assisting him going to his room. He wants to call Zayn who's obviously drunk now and already joining Liam and Niall dancing on the table. But he change his mind. This is the first time he saw him having that much of a fun.

He slowly put the baby in her crib and when everything is in place. He went to his bed and doze off immediately.

The party lasted till morning. And when he woke up, he was shocked to find Zayn sleeping on the ground shirtless. Looking so wasted.

He can't help but to burst out laughing thinking Zayn didn't reach the bed and past out just when he almost step away from the bed.

He didn't try to wake him up as it would be impossible to carry him with his condition.

He took the baby and walk slowly going to the kitchen to take his morning breakfast. Most of their visitors are spending the nights in the house and most of them is sleeping everywhere.

Past 8 am in the morning when Harry decided to take a shower. He went back to the room and put the baby back in her crib. Zayn is still sleeping in the floor, same position when he left him earlier. He laugh again looking at him sleeping like a baby.

After he took a shower he saw Zayn already up and is holding the baby in his arms while playing with it. Hair is still messy but already wearing a shirt.

"So how's the party last night?" He asked with a slight grin at the corner of his lips.

"That's one hell of a party.." He said.  Without looking at him.

"Yeah, tell me about it.."

He's busy brushing his hair when Zayn started to talk to the baby like she can understand him.

"Hey baby Hannah, do you wanna ask mommy if he wants carry daddy's last name for the rest of his life..?"

Harry drop the brush and slowly turn his head towards them.

"What did you just say..?"

Zayn staring at him with a wide smile in his face.

"Our baby is asking if you want to replace you last name to mine.."

It went a minute and two before Harry went back to his senses. Then he answered him with a wide smile in his face.


           💙💚💛 END💙💚💛


Thank you for reading the story guys, i appreciate the ratings.

A lot of poor wordings in this story but still, thank you for reading it tell the end.

Love y'all!  💙💚💛


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