Chapter 21 (Mature+)

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It's been a whole day that he hasn't gone out in his room. But he was busy talking to his friends that he hadn't spoken to for a while. He hasn't called Gemma yet, he's not that confident that he can talk to her after that lie he just did. He's been in bed the whole day, and has no plan to go out. He doesn't want to see Zayn after what happened to them this morning. It's already 5 pm and he keeps on holding his phone, waiting for a confirmation from Louis. After waiting for a while, his phone rings, he quickly answers it.

"Hey, Lou?"

"That was fast, have you been waiting for my call?" He asked in his cheerful voice as always.

He chuckled. "Yeah, did you get it?"

"Yeah, I got it. I'll send it to your email with the itinerary code."

"Thank you so much Lou, I owe you one.." His voice cracked a bit. There's no turning back for his decision now.

"Nahh, it's nothing! What about cash? I can send you--"

"No, I got bills here, thanks anyway."

"Good then. I'll see you soon, Harry.." He said, slightly hoarse.

"You too.."

He plumps down his face on the pillow when he turns off the phone and sobs. He wants to withdraw from his plan, but if he does that it would be more difficult for him to leave. Especially now that he is fully aware of his feelings towards him. This will be the right time to make his decision before he's going to take everything from him. It will definitely hurt him to the core since he never experience being so deeply in love with someone. But that man could never return his feelings. He has to leave before it would be too late.

He's going to miss everything in this house. This room, the kitchen and especially the garden. He will also miss doing the chores, he loves doing those things because he is serving the person he loves. He also misses cooking food and making tea for him. Everything he did in this house is pure passion and affection. Unfortunately, he didn't realize that until now.

He slowly stood up, eyes swollen by crying, he grabbed his bag and packed his things except for the things that Zayn brought for him. Lastly, he grabbed a pen and a paper. It's 9pm when he decided to take a shower and went to the kitchen. After preparing food, he went upstairs to Zayn's room. He slowly opened it, it's pitch dark but he saw him laying in the bed sleeping. He took a deep breath before he slowly stepped in.

When he is already near him, he covers his mouth trying not to make a sound as his tears fall in his cheeks. He bent down and gently kissed him on the lips.

Zayn immediately awaken by his action and was surprised when he saw him in the bed.

"Harry..?" Face still in shock. He stood up and looked him in the eye. "Harry, I would like to apo--"

Spaces Between Us. ( Zarry Stylik Story) Where stories live. Discover now