Chapter 16

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"You're despicable

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"You're despicable.." Harry murmured. Sniffing, curling his back, knees together while picking the remaining petals of his dead sunflowers and other flowers that was damaged. But looking at them, there's no chances that they'll survive again. "You're heartless, insensitive twat.."

Zayn bites his upper lips, trying not to laugh. He's looking at Harry' back, still naked and looking like a cocoon, pouting while picking the dead flowers that he accidentally kicked.

"I told you to stop, but you didn't listen. Look what you've done." He said glaring at him in his teary eyes.

"I'll buy you a new one, I promise." He said. Trying to make his voice serious. He grabs his cigarette and the lighter in his pocket, but he didn't light it yet.

"Don't bother, I don't need you to buy me anything.." He said. Still pouting.

"We can still replace it.." He said.  While flicking his lighter, but he paused when Harry suddenly turns towards him. Eyebrow croaked and looking so pissed.

"Don't smoke in here! You'll suffocate my plants!" Then he yank his cigarette in his hand and stood up. He give him a look before he turn around and walk away.

"Hey! " He shouted. "You're still naked!" Then he laughed leaving him totally amused.

"Do you want to get rape again.." He thought. But he decided not to say it.


Zayn was driving for almost 3 hours now, looking for a store that has sunflowers seeds. His been driving the entire town looking for it. Harry hasn't been talking to him since yesterday, after what he did to his garden. And he needs to find a replacement as soon as possible or else he'll be talking to himself again for the whole day.

Last night while they're taking their dinner, Harry has been ignoring him. He didn't even bother to look at him. He smiles while thinking about it. He finds him cute and adorable. But Harry is seriously pissed. I mean, half of his sunflowers were gone and the remaining needs an intensive care.

Finally after 2 hours of driving he already reach the store. He actually research this in google if there is a store for plants seeds and this was showned that is closiest in his area. He brought 2 packs of sunflower seeds he also brought different type of seeds that Harry might like. The store also sell fresh roses, he brought 2 bouquet of rose, one is red and the other is white. He can't stop smiling while driving back in the house. He keeps on looking at the roses, he feels like he went back as a teenager who's trying to court his crush.

But his smile slowly faded when he remembers his late wife. His wife loves roses, especially the white one's. Half of the glasshouse was filled with different types of roses before, but the one that stands out is the white roses. He remembers that one time he tries to tease his wife, he picked 3 white roses without telling her, but she found out and she was furious that she didn't let him sleep in their room.  He ended up sleeping in the guest room that night.

He draws a deep breath

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He draws a deep breath. And it feels like it was repeated of what happened to him right now. Last night, he wanted Harry to sleep in his room, but Harry is so angry at him that he can't even try to start a conversation. He chuckles when he remembers again Harry's pouted face.

"Does he even know how adorable he is when he's like that..?"

But in spite of his outburst, the curly guy did a lot of changes in him. Just like what he did in the house, especially the garden. Example of that is what he did today. Before he came, he only goes out if his doing groceries and much as possible he avoid people interaction, reason for that is, they might recognize him. Meeting a paparazzi is the last thing he wants to happen.

Zayn arrived at the house at 1 pm. He's very thrilled to give his present to Harry. He grabs his 2 bouquet of flowers in the front seat and went straight to the kitchen. He knows Harry  is in the kitchen at this hour, washing the dishes.

He took a glance when he arrived at the doorway. And saw Harry cleaning the kitchen. He takes a deep breath before entering.

Harry jolt when he heard Zayn at the back, he didn't reply right away, instead he prepared himself for another angry approached.

"I told you not to talk--" He ceased in surprise when he saw Zayn carries a bouquet of roses. He gives him an apologetic smile. He exactly knew what he's trying to say. He walks slowly towards him.

"I buy you some seeds and.. Roses.. Hope you like it.." He said softly.

Harry was so surprise and overwhelm that he can't say a word. But he took the flowers straight away.

"This.. This is beautiful.. Where did you get this..?" He manages to say but still in the state of shock.

"Somewhere out there.." He chuckled. "Look, I'm sorry for what I did.. It won't happen again.." He said. Giving him an apologetic smile again.

Harry stared at him for a moment, then smiled at him. "Accepted.." then he gives him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Thank you so much for this.. No one ever give me a rose before. I thought this is only for ladies." He chuckles.

Zayn hug him and kiss him on the lips.

"Let me cooked you something, do you have any request?" Harry asked.

"Actually, I do.." He smirks. " I want your delicious tea.."

"Okay! Coming right up!" He exclaimed and about to turn around when Zayn gently pull his hand.

"..and.. I want you to sleep in my room tonight.."

Harry paused as he looks at him. It took him a few seconds before he manages to speak.

"Sure, I mean, it's not like it's my first time sleeping in your room, right? " He chuckles.

He sighed in relief. "I thought your going to refuse."  He smiled. "I promise, I won't do anything, we're just going to cuddle and sleep."

"Sounds good, now, bring this in the garden and wait for me there while I make a tea.." He said and hand over the pack of seeds to him.

He nodded. "Ok! "

That afternoon they spent the whole day just chatting and enjoying each other's presence. Harry also used the seeds to replace the damaged sunflowers while Zayn watches him.

They talked a lot of things that day, but Harry never attempted to ask anything from him. He's still waiting for him to open up in his own free will. And when that time come, he'll make sure that his shoulder is open to lean on.

That night, Zayn's promise of cuddling didn't happen, and they ended up making love the entire night that Harry passed out. And Zayn knew that he fucked up again. He already prepared himself for another Enraged Harry tomorrow.

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