Chapter 31 (Mature+)

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Winston and Harry met at the same Hotel where they are currently staying

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Winston and Harry met at the same Hotel where they are currently staying. They spend the entire day talking about the job that he offered to Harry. While Zayn didn't leave his side. And when Winston gave him the contract, Zayn rejected it and insisted on giving him an open contract instead. Clearly Winston's face is full of disagreements but he ended up accepting their decision.

That evening, they ended up arguing in their room.

"We already have a deal, Harry. And you agreed to it.. I told you to cancel all your job offers until you give birth.." He said. Voice is firm and direct.

"Yes, I agreed, but Winston is my friend. I can ask a favor anytime. I'm sure he will understand."

"Louis is also your friend, and look at what he did to you."

That makes Harry silent. In his tight lip, he doesn't have a choice but to agree.


They stayed two more nights in the hotel before they flew back to Bradford. They went straight to Gemma's place after. The nervousness that Harry felt that day is unexplainable. But when he looks at Zayn, he can't sense any pressure in his face. Instead, he looks so relaxed and full of confidence.

When they arrived at Gemma's house.  Harry introduced Zayn to her. Gemma gives him a deadpan expression.

Harry is the one preparing their dinner that night while Zayn and Gemma are in the living area. He can't stop fidgeting, he knows that Zayn is going to tell Gemma about the baby. And he's so nervous about it.

"What I did to him is not right, I know.. I'm fully aware of that.." He said. Voice drop.

"Then why did you do it? You lock my brother in your house?! what kind of twisted brain do you have thinking that kind of twisted idea?!"

"I'm truly sorry for what I did to your brother.." He clear his throat while looking down. He couldn't look at her straight in the eye. If she only knew what other things he did to her beloved brother. She might slit his throat by now.

"I took your brother's virginity.."

He shook his head to erase that thought. "But I'm thankful that he came into my life. He change me a lot, Gemma.. I don't know how to say this but.. I want to be with him.." He turned his head towards her and looked her straight in the eyes. "And one more thing.. His pregnant.."

Harry is already done with the food and is about to place it on the dining table when he heard Gemma scream from the living area calling his name.


He almost dropped the plate when he heard her shouting. He rushed towards the living area. And he saw her face in a state of shock while Zayn is standing behind her smiling widely.

"Is it true.. That you're pregnant..?" Her eyes widened staring at him.

He gives him an awkward smile. "Yes, it's true.."

"Oh my god!" She immediately ran towards him and gave him a tight hug.

"Oh my god Harry! This is the best  news I ever heard!"

And just like that, her anger subsides right away. She could no longer stop smiling and Zayn can't stop grinning.

That night Gemma insisted on letting them spend the night in her house. They can't say no to her, of course. But Zayn was not happy when Gemma lets him stay in the guest room while Harry is in his own room. Harry tried not to laugh as he can't stop watching Zayn pouted face.

That night, the three of them spend time talking about a lot of stuff after having their dinner

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That night, the three of them spend time talking about a lot of stuff after having their dinner. It's also a good opportunity to let Gemma and Zayn to get to know each other.

It's already past 11 pm when they decided to hit the bed. Harry took a quick shower before going to sleep. He misses his own room. There's nothing special about it, but it feels like it's been years. He immediately plopped on the bed and doze off.

Around 1 am, he was awakened by a touch of his hair. He opened his eyes and saw Zayn in his room sniffing the nook of his neck.

"Zayn what are you doing here?" He asked. Still half asleep.

"I can't sleep.." He said. Giving small kisses around his neck. Whenever he's like that, he know's he's in the mood.

"Stop, we can't.. My sister can hear us
and the wall is too thin.." He said. As he slowly pushed him. "You need to go back to your room, Zayn."

Zayn still continues kissing him while  whispering each other. Gemma's room is located in the middle of Harry's room and the guest room where Zayn is currently staying.

"I don't want to. And you smell so good.. Makes me want to eat you.." He murmured.

"We can't, we're in my sister's house, can you at least hold it?" He frowned. Trying to remove his hand inside his shirt. "I said stop Zayn.."He said in hushed tones.

Zayn kissed him. "Then I will do it silently.. Just cover your mouth.." He said. Giving him the devilish smile.

Harry could no longer oppose him when Zayn started to remove his clothes. But when he forces him to do the Lutos Position, it's getting harder for him to hold his voice. Their faces are too close and he can clearly see Zayn's grinning face. He's enjoying every second of his agony trying to control not to moan.

He whimpered, and gasped when Zayn suddenly went faster. He immediately covered his mouth. But he still let out a faint moan when Zayn  started to rub his shaft. Until they both come.

Zayn stayed in his room for a while and secretly went back to the guest room around 5 am in the morning.


That morning they took their breakfast in Gemma's house before going back to Zayn's place. And when they arrived Harry just can't stop smiling. He immediately went to the garden and check his flowers. Zayn is following him looking happy staring at his face.

"Did you miss the house?"

Zayn asked. Standing behind him while his busy checking his Rockcress  flowers.

"Yes I miss it a lot.." He smile.

Zayn face slowly went firm as he stared at him.

"I want you to stay.. Will you stay here with me.?"

Harry paused and turned around to face him.

"As long as you needed me. I'll stay.. But when the time comes, I'm no longer needed.. Just tell me.."

Zayn pulled him and hugged him tight.

"That will never happened. We're already bond with each other.. And let me tell you this babe.. I never thought anyone would ever make me smile, laugh and even test my patience and capture my heart as fast as you have." He paused and give him a quick kiss in the lips. "You did all of that in just a short period of time.."

Harry chuckle as he wrapped his arms around him. "I love you Zayn."

"I love you more.."

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