Chapter 3

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The next morning, Harry woke up earlier then usual

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The next morning, Harry woke up earlier then usual. He already prepared everything and it's already in the list. He also brought some equipments with him, like gloves, shovel from his sisters garage and extra t-shirt. He included his bag pack with his laptop and water bottle.

This time his the one preparing the breakfast. Which his sister was surprised.

"This is unusual.." She said. Giving him a look.

He just smiled at her. "Let's have breakfast first before you go."

After having a morning coffee and a first meal of the day, he took a shower and went to his destination after his sister set off for work.

When he arrived, he immediately changed his shirt to sleeveless shirt and tied his long hair in a bun. He took his laptop and his speaker and turned on the music in high volume while playing the One Direction Night Changes in the background. He grabbed his shovel and took a deep breath, and started to work around. He disposes everything that he thinks could no longer be used.

Before lunch time, he already cleaned half of the house. He took a quick break, grabbed his can of beer and a snack. He put the volume in maximum level while singing the Ready to Run. He's sweating from his head to his legs, so he took his shirt off slowly while rocking his body into the music. Not satisfied yet, he stood up and took the shovel handle and pretended that it was a microphone. His swaying his hips and banging his head. After a few music plays, he took a deep breath and went back to continue his work, smiling.

Unaware of the eyes behind that glass chain door, staring at him intensely. The man took a deep breath looking at that place that he loathed the most being cleaned up and rebuilt. He clenched his hands, holding his temperament. He turned around and went back inside the house, leaving the shirtless man doing his thing.

 He turned around and went back inside the house, leaving the shirtless man doing his thing

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That day, Harry went back home past 5 pm. It's already getting dark. His totally exhausted, hungry and sweaty. But feel so satisfied. Especially when he was able to complete his task in one day. Thankfully, Gemma is not yet home when he arrived. He immediately took a shower and prepared dinner that night.

After eating, he went back to his room and getting himself busy by ordering online the things he needs in the glass house. He also ordered some plants and seeds that he plans for decorations.

The next day, was the same routine. His been fixing tables, chairs and stools in the garden. He also found some unused bricks, so he also used it for foot path. For the whole week, his been doing a lot of work that he already forgotten to have time for his friends.

He remember the other day when he recieved a call from lious. He was asking him if his okay and why he haven't been communicating with them. He doesn't have any reason to hide it, so he told him of what his been doing for almost two weeks now. But lious warned him to make sure the area is abondoned, cuz if not, the owner can sue him for trespassing a private property.

Of course, he confidently inform him that there's nothing to worry about. And everything is his under control.


It's been 2 weeks now that Harry is coming in and out in his secret garden. And the garden is almost complete, the only thing is missing is a few decorations by the entrance. Everything is already in place, he even put a small living area in the glass house. Everything is totally change and different compared from the first day he discover the place.

But that morning, Harry felt different and he couldn't put his finger on it

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But that morning, Harry felt different and he couldn't put his finger on it. His guts is telling him something but unable to know exactly what it is. He tried to dismiss it and do his thing that morning. He prepared everything, the same thing he always does before going to the hidden garden. Gemma just went off to her work and still doesn't know anything that he's been doing this past 2 weeks.

When he arrived at the place, he felt that weird feelings again. He's been ignoring it since morning, but when he arrived in the garden, the feeling was getting stronger that his heart beat could no longer egnored. It's like something is about to happen and its giving him a warning. He took a deep breath and tried to shrug it off again, for the second time.

He went inside the glass house and went straight to the nursery garden for his new grown flowers. He was about to take off his back pack when he froze stiff in his spot looking at the door that is supposedly under a double lock chain but now it's totally open and chain is no longer there! He swallowed hard.

"Oh c'mon.. There's no such thing as ghost.."

He slowly step foward and hold the door knob as he slowly opens it wide. He can't see anything inside. He swallowed his fear and slowly walked inside. The first thing he saw was a wide space in the middle and two wide separate stairs on the other side. He knew it was a house and he was standing in what it looks like a living area. But he got cold shiver by just standing in there. It's 8 in the morning, but it seems like the light doesn't want to be in the house. Everything is just gloomy and it makes it even darker because of the thick grey curtains that covers the wide windows.

He looked around to check if someone was in the house. "H-hello, is someone in here?" His voice echoed.

He can only hear silence. He called again but still no response.

He walked towards the window close to him and found several life size jars line up. By the looks of it, it's clearly not just an ordinary jar. It's obviously looks expensive. He moves closer to one of the Japanese jars and bind over to get a much closer look.

"I can sue you for trespassing my property.."

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