Chapter 20

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He didn't know how long he's been staring Zayn's face, but its 1 am in the morning and Zayn's is sleeping beside him in his room, both naked. Last night was so wild. He let him do whatever he wants with him, hoping that for a while he can wipe out the pain he's been carrying for 7 years. After knowing the truth, his heart was crushed for him, he can't imagine what kind of life he had after what happened, he's been mourning for 7 years for his family. He sighed as he slowly stood up, making sure he won't notice him. He grabs Zayn's shirt and wears it. He went to the kitchen and prepared their late dinner. After making a stew and dumplings, he brings it into the room. He slowly put the tray on the round table and went back in the bed.

"Zayn.. Wake up.. You need to eat something.."

He heard him moan and slowly he opened his eyes. He stared at him for a moment and he smiled. "Hey handsome.."

He gave him a kiss on the cheek. "C'mon wake up, we'll have our late dinner now.." And he walked back to the table to prepare the food.

Zayn stood up and followed him. "It's 1 am.."

"That's why it's late dinner.." He smiled. "Sit.."

"By the way, have you already tried to call your sister?" He asked. Yawning.

"Not yet. Later I'll call her."

Zayn stared at him with an intense gaze. "So.. She'll be back next week, right?" He said. Giving him a weak smile.

"Yeah.." He knows whats in he's mind. They only have a few days left before he will be leaving. He has been thinking about that since yesterday. Being here is not his plan, but his heart doesn't want to leave.

"You're going back next week.." He ceased and looked him in the eye for an uncertain second.

He doesn't want to leave and he can't fool himself about it. But he can't just simply tell him that. It will be asking too much of him. He gave him a fake smile.

"When I leave, I want you to take care of the garden. It won't take much of your time anyway, so can you promise me that?"

Zayn stared at him, giving him a straight face, it lasted almost a minute before he spoke again.

"Do you want to leave?"

"Do you want me to go?"

Another silence took place between them. Then Zayn smiles, but with sadness in his eyes.

"You have your own life outside, Harry. And mine is here. Being you here in my house has never been your idea. So you have all the right to leave anytime you want.."

It was not a straight answer. But what he says is true. He totally lost sight of all his plans. He also has friends who he hasn't spoken to for a month now. He also has a sister who will be worried if she finds the truth that he's been sleeping with this man. To sum it all up, he can't stay here. But his heart is not saying the same thing.

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