Chapter 29

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He gasps in fear when he kneels in front of him and yank his shirt

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He gasps in fear when he kneels in front of him and yank his shirt. Removing everything that gets in his way. His body is still in shock and his vision is still blurry. Every inch of his body is aching, especially his head. He can even feel the blood is dripping in his back. He's too weak to move.

Louis started to remove his jeans. "No matter what you do to me.. No matter how many times you're going to rape me.. You may have everything.. But you will never have my heart Lou.." His tears streaming in his eyes. Already giving up on moving. He let him do whatever he wants.

He saw him grinning his teeth. Then in his quick move, Louis slap him in full force that almost knock him off again. A blood coming out from the corner of his lips. Another slap from the other side, and it makes him cough with blood.

Louis continues to undress him when suddenly they heard a loud banging on the door. Both stops. Harry's eyes widened. He knew who it is..

"Zaynn!! "


Zayn is about to turn around and go back to his car when he hears a voice inside the house. It's just a faint sound, but he can definitely tell it's Harry. In his swift move, he kicked the door twice before it broke open. He opened the door wide and went inside the house. The first thing he saw was the broken glasses near the entrance. His heart beat fast, he suddenly felt Deja Vu.

"Harry!" He shouted. Panic is starting to engulf him.

He heard a loud bang behind the door near the living area. He quickly opened the door. And found Harry half naked tied up beside the bed. He saw blood gushing in his head and he was not moving.

Cold shivers run through his veins. The flashback from the time where he saw his wife and child was killed in front of him came back to his senses. He immediately runs towards him, but before he can even get close. Louis suddenly appears holding a baseball bat that has blood stain in it, running towards him. He was able to dodge it just in time when he swung it in front of him. He kick the door and closes it, he locks it right away. But he can still hear Louis shouting behind the door, banging it with his baseball bat. He promptly went to Harry, untied his both hands and pulled the sheets in the bed to cover his naked body.

"Harry.. Baby wake up.." His voice is shaking. Tears started to fall in his eyes. He lifted his head and slowly lay him in his lap. He's not responding but he's still breathing. He quickly checked his head and found two open wounds. He was not hit in the vital spot which give him a little relief but he still needs to be attended immediately or he'll bleed to death. He removed the pillow cover and put it in Harry's head to temporary stop the bleeding.

"Babe.. Please wake up.." He bit his lower lip. "I'm sorry I came late.. But I made a promise that I won't abandon you, and you can damn well know that I'm going to fight for you.." He bent over and gave him a kiss with his bleeding lips. He weeps while holding Harry in his arms. He slowly put Harry in the bed. Wipe his tears and took a deep breath.

He needs to open the door and face Louis. He's not sure if he can take him without anything to defend himself. But he has to take the risk, he needs to get Harry away from here right away. The clock is ticking and his bleeding to death.

"I'm not going to lose my second chance of having a family again!"

He stood up in front of the door, preparing himself to open it. He took a glimpse of Harry in the bed, still not moving.

Suddenly the banging stop. He paused and try to listen behind the door. He heard a commotion outside, then he heard a patrol car! His face beaming with relief.

He immediately took Harry and carried him as he open the door

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He immediately took Harry and carried him as he open the door. 2 policeman is holding Louis in both arms. People are watching outside trying to check what happen. Another policeman addressed him.

"Officer his wounded, where's the paramedic?!"

"It's on the way, sir!"

2 police officers assisted him outside where the ambulance is waiting. 2 paramedics carrying a stretcher approached him.

While on the road, Zayn is the one instructing them what to do. Both knew who he is, so they follow everything he said. Ambulance is running at high speed going to the closest hospital.

"I need the status of his vital signs, please."

"Yes, sir! "Both is busy checking Harry's vitals. "Both heart and pulse rate is in normal rate 60-99.."

"Check oxygen and respiratory rate.."

"Respiratory is 12-16. Oxygen went down to 0.2%, sir."

He becomes even more restless. "Continue monitoring it, make sure it won't go down 93%."

He grabs his phone and with his shaking hands, he call one of his close friend who's a physician trained in Otolaryngology. He's able to explain everything to him, and made a schedule to meet at the hospital.

Within 30 minutes they reach the hospital, he immediately orders the nurse to put Harry in the ICU. Everyone can't stop looking at him, the nurse and all the staff were shocked to see him there. They know him. But his full attention was with Harry.

"Dr. Malik! "

The person that he talks earlier on the phone came running towards him. They are both wearing green clothes for ICU 's operations uniform. He felt uncomfortable wearing the uniform again. As he can remember, the last time he wears that was 7 years ago.

They went to the ICU where Harry is laying in the bed with apparatus in his body. Zayn started to explain to him the situation of Harry.

It crushed his heart looking the love of his life lying there. He can't help but to feel nervous to the point of having a mental block. But he shook his head. He needs to focus.

"He has 2 wounds at the back of his head. It was not on his vital spot, but will do CT scan. We need to check also if there are brain fracture or any torn tissues. Do you concur?"

"Yes, we also need to check how deep is the wound. We just hope that this will not be Concussion, cuz if it is..."

Zayn knew exactly what would happen to Harry. There will be 95% that both maternal and the fetal life will be at high risk due to internal bleeding of the brain.

But Harry is still in his early pregnancy, so they might forced to remove the fetus to avoid more complications.


Author's Note: Some of the information in this chapter is only base on my understanding (Medical procedure etc..)

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