Chapter 6

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Harry decided to make Bangers and Mash with Spaghetti Bolognese and Roast Potatoes for the side desh

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Harry decided to make Bangers and Mash with Spaghetti Bolognese and Roast Potatoes for the side desh. Cooking is not his habbies, but he sure knows how to cook, thanks to his sister. He went to the dining area in the other room and place all the food on the table. However, he plans to check his room that evening and decided not to take dinner.

He went to the hallway to check his room. He saw a dark brown wooden door, and he opened it. And was totally amazed. Everything was covered by a white sheets. He removed it one by one. And smiled when he could see the entire room. It has it's own bathroom and a fireplace.

"This is cool.. I like it.." He uttered and smiled while his eyes roamed around. He went out and went back to the dining area. He saw Zayn already taking his dinner. He chuckled when he saw him eating like he had never eaten before. He walked towards him.

"I like it." He said. And almost laughed when he saw his surprised face while his mouth was full. For a moment, the image of him changed in his perception. He can see a slight softness in his face. He looked at him in question.

"I said I like the room."

Zayn didn't respond and instead he grabbed the glass of water and stood up. He saw Harry pulling the other chair to take a set but paused when he saw him standing up.

"Are you done eating? You haven't finished your food yet?"

"Yeah, I'm done.." He plainly said. He turned around and walked away going back to his room upstairs. He heard Harry say something but he ignore it.

Harry frowned looking at Zayn walking away. Confused by his sudden reaction.

"Weirdo.. Will.. Whatever.."

He cleaned up the table and went to the kitchen to wash it. It's getting late and Harry decided to take a quick shower in his room before going to bed. It will be his first night in the house. He was about to turn around when he saw Zayn standing behind him.

"Jesus Christ!" He gasped as he held his chest. "Please stop doing that.!" He saw him holding his bag.

"I'm giving this back to you. Everything is in there except your phone.." He said. And handed his bag to him. But Harry frowned when he said the phone was not in the bag.

"Aside from my phone.. I also need some underwear, you know.. If you could just let me go home to get some of my things, I promise I will come back. Look, I will give you my I.D's and my phone while I go back--"

"Don't waste your time, my answer is still no.. Check your bag." He turned around and walked away.

He raised his brow in question. "He opens his bag right off to check. And was shocked to see a pair of branded shirts, a pair of cotton shorts and a 6 piece of Calvin Klein underwear!.

"What the-where did he get all of this?!"

He said and was confused on how did he get it.

He went to his room and look into everything in his bag. It's still sealed and still has a price tag in it, so it's definitely not from his closet. It's obviously has not been used too, as it's not been open yet.

"But.. How and where did he get this?" His eyes widened and gasped.

"Don't tell me this house has a secret shopping mall inside?! "

He laughed and plopped down on the bed. He sighed and stared at the ceiling of his room. He doesn't care anymore and his brain refuses to know where he gets it. Theirs a lot happened to him in just one day, and it makes him so tired. He planned to take a shower before going to sleep, but unfortunately, that didn't happen. He dozes off as soon his back hit the bed.

The next morning, Harry woke up past 7 am

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The next morning, Harry woke up past 7 am. It was unusual for him, since he always wakes up early. He took a quick shower and wore his new clothes that Zayn bought for him last night. He doesn't have a blower for his hair, so he just leaves it as it is. He went to the kitchen, planning to prepare breakfast for that morning. But was surprised to find an empty bottle of whisky on the counter. He grabbed it and stared at it for a while before throwing it in the bin.

He prepared a full English breakfast that morning and he placed it on the dining table. But the food is getting cold and Zayn hasn't come down yet. He decided to eat first so he can proceed with his work that day. After taking his meal, he went to do his job.

He cleaned all the furniture in the main living area and vacuumed the entire floor. The area alone took almost all the energy of Harry. The house is huge and wide. It will take him 2 weeks to clean the entire first floor excluding the second floor! After vacuuming all the carpets in the living area, Harry decided to take a break. He went to the sofa and plopped down his back as he gave a big sigh.

He watched the time, and it's already 11:00 am. But he hasn't seen Zayn since morning. He groaned, it's not like he cares about him. He shook his head, he doesn't want to waste his time to a man who's responsible for everything that happened to him.

He stood up and planned to grab an energy drink in the fridge when he saw the meal that he prepared for Zayn on the dining table uneaten. The food is obviously cold now. He sighs and decides to throw it in the bin. He went to the kitchen and grabbed 2 Red Bull Energy Drinks. He thought that its perfect for him, he really needs a lot of energy today. He went back in the living area and continued cleaning.

He prepared lunch that afternoon for the two of them, but was thrown again when Zayn still didn't go down to have his meal. But he didn't mind it too much since he was able to complete his task that day. Before 5pm he already cleaned the entire main living area. He smiled while looking at it, everything was completely changed. It makes the area look alive and bright. He also plans to remove the thick dark curtains in each windows but he'll do it tomorrow. For some reason, he felt proud of himself for the result of his cleaning and was curious to know how it looks if the entire house will be cleaned.

Harry went to the other living room where the glass door is connected to the garden. But he paused when he saw Zayn standing and staring at the garden behind the door. From the reflection of his face in the glass, Harry can tell his in a deep thought. Both hands inside his pocket. He's having a second thought if he's going to approached him or not.

But he turn around and decided not to. He took 1 step before he heard him calling.

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