Chapter 8 (Mature+)

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He saw Zayn on the ground face down, looking unconscious. He immediately ran towards him and tried to wake him up. He kneels down and flips him over.

"Zayn? Zayn wake up man!"He tried not to panic and think about what he needed to do.

Harry carefully rolls Zayn's body towards him and moves his ear in his mouth tilting his head towards him to check his breathing. He felt relief when his breathing was in a normal state. Next, he checks his pulse, his pulse is also stable. He also notices his reek of alcohol and he can obviously smell it. He saw another empty broken bottle of whisky beside him. His guess is that it was the glass he heard earlier. He slowly stood up and tried to carry him in the bed with one arm in his shoulder while holding him in the waist.

"C'mon Zayn move your heavy ass!" He groaned as he tried to drag him in his bed.

He heard him moan, then calling someone's name.

"P..perrie.. Sasha.."

Harry slowly drops Zayn's body in his bed and looks at him closely. He's eyes are still closed but he heard him earlier calling someone. He crinkled his nose when he could smell the strong liquor in him. He stood up and went to his bathroom to grab a wet wash cloth, he went back in the bed and started to wipe him in the face. He saw him slowly move and he opened his eyes half lidded.

Zayn stared at him for a minute then he smiled at him. Suddenly his heart skipped a beat. It's the first time he saw him smile.

"Zayn are you okay?" He uttered, but frowned when Zayn stared at him oddly. Giving him that sweet smile.

Harry gasps when Zayn suddenly grabs his hands and kisses it. He froze stiffly, and didn't know what to react.

"Perrie.. I miss you so much.."

"Huh..?" His eyes widened.

"Perrie? Who the heck is perrie?!"

He startled when Zayn pulled his arms closer causing their heads to collide. Their face are so close that he can almost taste his breath in his mouth.

"Baby.. I'm dying to see you again.." Zayn whispers softly in his ear. Giving a shivers in his spine.

"Z-zayn wake up. Its me Harry!"He exclaimed. Trying to pull his face away from him.

"Is he mistaken me for someone else!?"

"Perrie comeback to me.. Please.. Comeback.."

Harry stop moving and watches Zayn faintly sob and a small tear drop besides his eyes. Harry felt his hand gently grab his hair and brushed it. He closed his eyes when he felt him sniffing his hair. Then without a warning Zayn's kisses him in the lips.

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