Chapter 11

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Harry keeps on looking at Zayn who's eating quietly at the counter

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Harry keeps on looking at Zayn who's eating quietly at the counter. He wants to thank him for opening the glass door this morning, but he can't seems to start the conversation.
He's too nervous to talk. After the incident, and after he apologizes to him, Zayn becomes different, his treatment towards him change. He's no longer that grumpy, scary guy he used to know when he first saw him. And Harry is not used to it. And that's the reason why he has this awkwardness. He knows that he feels guilty for what he did but... He wonders why he never felt any regrets or sad about it..

Both still keeps their distance.. As much as possible, they avoid any interaction or bumping each other in anywhere in the house.

He steals another quick glance at him before he decided to speak. "Thank you, by the way.. For opening the glass door in the garden.. "

Zayn turned his head and gazed at him for a minute before answering. "Don't mention it.."

As usual, Harry can't seem to read his mind. After they're done eating, Zayn went back to his room. Harry is about to wash the plates, but he quickly turned around when he saw Zayn again standing behind him.

"Jesus Christ Zayn!" He exclaimed in frightened. "Why D'you always do that?! Can you atleast make a small sound?"

Harry saw a small grinned in his lips.

"Sorry.." he briefly replaid. "The window in the living area.. You can also leave it as it is if you don't want to put the curtains back.."

Zayn didn't wait for his answer and just immediately turned around and walk away.

Leaving Harry dumbfounded. But he find it amusing.


Two days have past since he came back in Zayn's place. And within that day, he's been busy taking care of his garden again, that he forgot to call his sister. Zayn's still stay in his room a lot of time, just like before. The only time he will go down is, if he's hungry, but only once a day they can eat together. Most of the time he's alone in the house. Both know they are distancing each other. But one thing he notices since that incident, he never saw a bottle of whisky in the kitchen whenever he wakes up.

That night Harry is waiting for him to go down to ask if he can borrow his phone a bit and call Gemma. Around 8 pm, he saw him going down in the stairs. Perfect timing, he set their food on the table.

He clear his throat. "Ahm Zayn? Can I borrow your phone for a bit? I need to call my sister. She might think I'm really in Manchester.."

"Sure.. Here.. "He took his phone in his pocket and he handed it to Harry.

Harry smiled at him and he held the phone.

After they done eating, Harry called Gemma right away. He told her that she doesn't need to go to Manchester anymore and just to give him a call if she's already in Bradford. Gemma agreed about it, but she was asking a lot of questions regarding the offer that he mentions to her before.

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