Chapter 13 (Mature+)

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The warmth and the thickness of his flesh in his mouth gives a new feeling and sensation into his system

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The warmth and the thickness of his flesh in his mouth gives a new feeling and sensation into his system. But he loves it, he liked it and he wants more. He slides it more and give it slight tightness by pressing his tongue in its shaft inside his mouth.

He startled when Zayn suddenly touches his head. He steals a glance at him and their eyes met. He looked at him with anticipation, longing and sadness in his eyes. He didn't notice it before and now he saw it, he demanding him to do more. He knew what he needs, he's a man too.

He set aside the remaining shame on him and follow what Zayn wants. It may sound unreal, but everyting that is happening right now feels so genuine. He may not know what cause this man to be like this, but one thing for sure... There's a reason why he was there for him.. Fated?.. Who knows..

He let Zayn guide him, and so he did, pushes his head deeper. Then he slowly pulls it back. Zayn bites his lower lip. It's been a long, long time he never felt like's driving him crazy..mad.. But desperately to have that passion again..

He pulls Harry and slowly push him in the bed.. He wants to feel that warmth again.. The warmth of a person's body.. The word desperate is not even enough to depict how much he wanted it.. It's been 7 years..

He pulls Harry's last clothes and spread his legs.. He looked at him, without saying a word.. He's asking a permission.. And Harry immediately nodded and give him a smile showing his dimple, giving him the authority to go all the way.. In his desperate moves, he holds his thigh and slowly enters him.

Harry arched his back. Curling his feet in the sheet when he felt the familiar pain again, he bites his lips, hoping the pain will at least alleviate. But he opens his eyes in surprise when Zayn hugs him. Giving him support, they looked at each other. And he can read his mind, perhaps this is because they're already becoming one.. His brown eyes tell him: I got you..

Sweats, breathes, body brushing each other and their soft voice can be heard in his wide room in that wide bed.. Two  bodies become one, both trying to reach the top. Clinging each others warmth.

Harry can't hold his voice anymore when Zayn pushes it harder, breaking both the unimaginable sensation, his entire body is shaking while Zayn looked at him biting his lower lip.. He didn't say a word, but his hoping for him to slow down. Zayn seems to read his mind.

"I told you, I'll make you bleed.."

He moaned deeper, head arched in the pillow when he went full throttle.

"Fuck.." He  murmured. Clenching his both hands  in the sheets. "Hold me.." He whisper desperation.

Zayn immediately holds him tight without stopping. Harry wrapped his arms around his fingers squeezing into his sweat skin. He moans deep gasping for air when they both reach the top.

It's still 5 in the morning, but Zayn has been already awake, and don't have any idea how long he's been staring the person beside him, sleeping calmly

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It's still 5 in the morning, but Zayn has been already awake, and don't have any idea how long he's been staring the person beside him, sleeping calmly. Sheets below in his waist, just enough to cover his lower body. He sighs when he saw countless red spots from Harry's bodies. He pulls the sheets up to his shoulder to cover him properly, then slowly  stood up, grab his sweatpants and the keys in his drawer. He step out of the room and slowly close it, making sure the man sleeping in his bed won't wake up by his movements. He went to the other room and unlocked it. It's the master bedroom, one once his room, long long time ago..

He open the door and the old dusty smell from 7 years hit his face. The room was never been touched, not even the light outside can enter the room. Everything is the same for 7 years. Even her perfume and the last dress she wore is still in the same place. He went inside and close the door.

Every single day, he visits this room and Zayn would stand in front of their big wedding photo on the wall. And would try to reminiscing those beautiful memories in this house. 

"Babe we're going to be late, are you not done yet?" He said, smiling while looking at her in the mirror.

"We still have an hour before the event will start.." She reply without looking at him. Shes busy trying to check what type of hairstyle that would fit for her dress.

"I need to look good when you recieved that award in the stage. I don't want to be left behind, you know.." She smirk and looked at him in the mirror.

He laughed softly and walk towards her. He hugs her from behind. "What are you talking about, that's our rewards.." He murmured while giving her tiny kisses in her shoulder.  ".. You and Sasha.."

She smiled at him and turn her head to give him a kiss on the lips. "Don't be a cocky mister, you're already an outstanding doctor before we even meet.."

Zayn slowly open his eyes. For 7 years that memories never left him. He blink twice, holding his tears. This become his pattern, visiting this room everyday, hoping that everything is just a dream and when he open this room, his wife and his little girl are waiting for him.

Countless prayers, countless begging, cursing, even the devils place he'll pray for it just to bring them back. But it seems like everyone, even god wants him to torment and makes him miserable like what he is right now... Karma..

But for some reason, in 7 years..  It's the first time he didn't open this room for a week.. First time he didn't cry in the night.. first time he didn't try to kill himself or torture himself for not eating for a couple of days..and first time he got a good sleep..

"When did it started..?" He thought.

The curly, tall guy with the most beautiful green eyes suddenly appears in his vision. He shook his head. Then he just remembers, he lift him in the other room. He went back right away, but the bed is already empty, he checks in his bathroom but his not there. Then he smells something delicious coming from the kitchen. He unconsciously smile. He immediately went down saw Harry wearing his shirt. Never in his entire life, he finds another man seductively sexy.. Except for this guy in front of him.. He licks his lower lips  while his eyes are tracing the back of Harry's legs. Then it stop at his ass. That part is too revealing since his shirt is not too long for him. He let go a thin moan, but Harry heard him and turn his head towards him.

Their eyes met and he can't help but to be amuse by his reaction. He flushed and immediately averted his gaze away from him.

"Breakfast will be ready in a minute.." Harry said.

Zayn didn't move from his spot and stayed behind Harry, watching him preparing the meal. He followed Harry in the counter when he places all the food on the table, no single words came out of their mouth. Both in a silent mode again and trying not to talk about last night. If silence can kill someone, they'll be dropped dead already, no chances of resurrecting.

Awkward is written all over Harrys face. And he can't hide it, every time he moves, his face growing hotter and hotter. He tries to ignore his gaze and pretend that he didn't notice, but it's getting difficult to swallow. He drops his spoon and look at Zayn straight in the eyes.

"What?" He said. Brow croaked.

"Nothing." He immediately replies. Raising his brow, but still didn't remove his eye on him.

He gives him a look and went back to his meal. But after a few minutes, he looks at him again a bit bothered now when he realises he's still looking.

"You're still staring!"

This time, Zayn can't stop grinning, he quickly look down to hide his face.

"C'mon, spit it out.."

"I said it's  nothing, ok? Just eat your food.." He said. Putting a bit force in his voice to hide his amusement.

"You're going to say something, c'mon say it.." He insists.

He sighs as he drops his fork and face Harry." Fine.. I'll be doing groceries today..just wondering if you want to come.."

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