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For those Pokespe Fans! I got a treat for you! And for those who aren't, yet (⊙ω⊙), I hope you took our (the fans of pokespe and I on the last chapter) advice and started! Or starting...

Anyways! First, a QOTD!!! Does any of you know what is TEA SHIPPING!?!? A Pokespe fan would. And it is an absolute AMAZING ship. Yet very highly unrecognised and unappreciated. That makes me sad :(

TeaShipping is the shopping of Bill, the Pokémon Maniac of Kanto (who is super cute, btw) and Daisy Oak, the sweet older sister of Green Oak. Bill x Daisy!

Fans say it started around the FR/LG and HG/SS arc where Bill helped Daisy and viceversa when the Masked Man attacked. I was SQUEALING badly. They worked together so hard to get help from other trainers through the radio. I wanted to CRY. In fact, I did.

That part was so touching, their shipping went above Oldrival, Special, SpecialJewel, Frantic, and Haughty in my list. I hope you'll do something about the ship being unappreciated because I'll try to write a fanfic once summer starts! There really aren't much fan love of it. Daisy is sweet, kind, caring with a protective younger brother, Green Oak. And Bill is a genius, a shy-nervous man around her, confident aura and righteous. And I know he loves Daisy.

They're both perfect for each other. Up there (At The Picture I Posted) Is a part where Green asks Bill for his sister :3 I think they're dating and the Pokemon Company never cleared that up .-.

(P.S: Look at Pikachu's [Pika] Face at the. Last pic where Bill is nervous >w< because when your girlfriend is a Gym Leader's older sister, you know you should be scared!)

Convinced to go read Pokemon Adventure yet? If not, well.. I have other ways ;) stay tuned!

(BTW, the shipping name is Tea because Daisy gave Tea to Bill when he was stressed .-. Odd, but sweet)

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